Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 3

Here are some notable events coming up the week of September 27.

* First Friday will occur at 8:50-9:25 am on October 1. This event was formerly know as Parents as Enrichment Partners. We do not have a parent volunteer who will lead this workshop as of yet so feel free to contact me if you are interested in sharing your talents with the class.

* We will begin our work in the Caring School Community program. This is the second year of a school wide initiative. The goal of the program is to create conflict resolution skills that children can implement on their own.

* The class will begin to work with rubrics in order to become better judges of their own work. The reading log rubric was introduced this week and we've discussed in class how we can best complete the assignment. One suggestion was to write a paragraph for each bullet point. Another was to use evidence from the book to support their answers. While Rubrics are not an exact science, this gives a general outline of what to expect for grades.

Score of 4 (demonstrates a thorough reading and interpretation of the story)
• Answers all bullet points with important details. Clear explanations.
• Shows thoughtful interpretation of reading.

Score of 3 (demonstrates a good recall of major events)
• Answers the bullet points. Not much detail or explanation.
• Recalls most of the story with little interpretation.

Score of 2 (demonstrates a recall of most events but not always the significant ones)
• Answers most of the bullet points.
• Retells some of the events in the story but doesn’t seem to be important to the plot.

Score of 1 (Shows confusion about reading)
• Doesn’t answer most of the bullet points.
• Doesn’t show evidence of careful reading or comprehension.

In some cases, plus or minus grade swill be given
• Exceptionally well written in clear sentences and paragraphs.
• Very few or no spelling mistakes.

• Many spelling mistakes that make reading difficult.
• Sentences are not clear. No paragraphs.
• Sloppy handwriting

Please encourage your child to put in his/her best effort.
Thank you and have a great weekend!