Monday, September 20, 2010

Homework Folders

Please sign the bottom of the homework sheet after reviewing it. In instances where a child has not turned in an assignment it is noted on the page by me. Many thanks to the parents and children who have been diligently recording the assignments and checking off the work as it is completed.

On another note, it is best to remove old homework at the end of each week. Any assignments that are potentially going to be referred to again will be attached to notebooks. School notices should be removed daily. Please make it a part of your child's homework routine to show you any notices/forms from the school.

Unfortunately, we do not have enough extra copies of the Student Reference books to give each child a copy to keep at home. In an effort to address this need and with the knowledge that the Reference book can be difficult to read, the class is given math notes that are hopefully more helpful.The children have permission to take home their math notebooks to help them with their math work if needed.

Finally, I would like to thank the families who have made the effort to log in and read the blog consistently. As a "Green" school, this blog will cut down on extra paper use as well as eliminate any lost letters. With this being the beginning of the year there have been many posts, so thank you for making that extra effort!