Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reading Logs, Homework Sheets and Snacks

Yesterday, we began our homework routine with the introduction of the reading log/ weekly response. Each child is responsible for keeping track of his/ her reading pace. The response on the rest of the page is intended to help the student practice writing about their reading (a key skill for test taking). Please help your child by initialing the log and reviewing their response when it is completed. The assignment will be collected on Mondays.

Homework sheets were placed in the homework folders. It is a place for your child to record the assignments for each night. If your child has missed an assignment, it will be marked on the bottom of the page. Please look over the sheet before Mondays to see how your child is keeping up with his/ her assignments and sign the bottom.

On a different note, we are trying a new routine in our class, the mid morning break. This is an opportunity for kids to refresh themselves by going to the bathroom, getting a drink or having a snack. Please keep in mind that if your child has a snack, it should be healthy. Try to avoid sugary foods or chips as these foods tend to become a distraction. For the sake of keeping our classroom clean, children were asked to bring only water to drink.

Thank you again for your help and support.