Thursday, September 30, 2010

First Friday

Unfortunately, no one is able to come and present for our First Friday tomorrow. If you are interested in sharing a talent with the class at any time during the year please let me know.

Our plan for tomorrow is to have a Writer's share. Most students are publishing their first story for Homework tonight (many are near finished since they worked on this in class today).

Some Thanks...

Thank you's go out to the families that sent in gently used board Games for our class to play with during indoor recess. They were really appreciated these past days.

We have also turned in all our lunch forms! This helps our school get a more accurate funding for our student body.

Kudos to all!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Class Parent

Diana Plunkett has asked that each class send the name of a volunteer for class parent. The duties of a class parent include making a class directory, coordinating events with the PTA and our class, etc. If you are interested, please contact myself or Ms. Plunkett. It might also be possible for two parents to take on the task. Thank you!

Spelling Test corrections

The second spelling test was returned to the class and as part of their homework they must show it to you. For children who have words incorrect, they also have a correction sheet where they must write each misspelled word twelve times in the short boxes and use the word correctly in a sentence. The sheet is organized so that there is space for ten misspelled words to be corrected, one word in each grid. Most children have one to three words to work on so they will not need to use the whole sheet given.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Music Program

This morning, we were asked to participate in a audition as our school tries out some music programs. Tomorrow, there will be a music teacher coming to our room to see if the teacher is a good fit for our school. The class has been asked to bring in their recorders for this. Please help your child to locate this instrument. Thank you

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Math Answer is...

The shape that has only one pair of parallel sides is the trapezoid. Everyone who voted chose this correct answer! Good job!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Unit 1 Math Test

We will have our first Math test on Tuesday. Polygons, lines, addition and subtraction are amoung the topics featured. There will be a study sheet containing questions similar to the test questions sent home on Monday.

If your child has brought home the math notebook this weekend, help them review the vocabulary and attributes of the figure. You can play "I spy" (for example: I spy a shape with four right angles and congruent sides = Square) or create flash cards. You can also use the links for the Polygon Game and/or the Shepard Math games:Pop Up Math in the Useful Website list for some extra practice. A word of warning about the Polygon Game site: there are some shapes not discussed in the fourth grade yet but were covered in the third grade (ex. octagons, hexagons and pentagons) so it can be an extra challenge!

Week 3

Here are some notable events coming up the week of September 27.

* First Friday will occur at 8:50-9:25 am on October 1. This event was formerly know as Parents as Enrichment Partners. We do not have a parent volunteer who will lead this workshop as of yet so feel free to contact me if you are interested in sharing your talents with the class.

* We will begin our work in the Caring School Community program. This is the second year of a school wide initiative. The goal of the program is to create conflict resolution skills that children can implement on their own.

* The class will begin to work with rubrics in order to become better judges of their own work. The reading log rubric was introduced this week and we've discussed in class how we can best complete the assignment. One suggestion was to write a paragraph for each bullet point. Another was to use evidence from the book to support their answers. While Rubrics are not an exact science, this gives a general outline of what to expect for grades.

Score of 4 (demonstrates a thorough reading and interpretation of the story)
• Answers all bullet points with important details. Clear explanations.
• Shows thoughtful interpretation of reading.

Score of 3 (demonstrates a good recall of major events)
• Answers the bullet points. Not much detail or explanation.
• Recalls most of the story with little interpretation.

Score of 2 (demonstrates a recall of most events but not always the significant ones)
• Answers most of the bullet points.
• Retells some of the events in the story but doesn’t seem to be important to the plot.

Score of 1 (Shows confusion about reading)
• Doesn’t answer most of the bullet points.
• Doesn’t show evidence of careful reading or comprehension.

In some cases, plus or minus grade swill be given
• Exceptionally well written in clear sentences and paragraphs.
• Very few or no spelling mistakes.

• Many spelling mistakes that make reading difficult.
• Sentences are not clear. No paragraphs.
• Sloppy handwriting

Please encourage your child to put in his/her best effort.
Thank you and have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Your child has received his/her graded spelling test from Monday. Each child has been asked to bring it home to show their family. You might wish to go over any mispelled words with your child or to commend the good spelling work. Please return the test by Monday.
Thank you.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reading Logs and Post its

After reviewing the reading logs from last week, it became apparent that many children needed more clarification. Some points to be mindful of:
*The summary in the back should answer all the bullet points listed. A good way to approach it is to write a paragraph for each point.

*Children can use post-its to jot down important events as they read throughout the week. This can be helpful when your child gets ready to write the summary by the end of the week. We've reviewed this strategy in class, and encouraged children to use it when they have trouble remembering all of the story.

*Please be mindful of reading pace. Children should be reading about 30-40 pages, with comprehension, in their just right book over the forty-five minute session. Any less might indicate that the book is not right for your child.

Please continue writing your initials in the log daily. Thank you!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Homework Folders

Please sign the bottom of the homework sheet after reviewing it. In instances where a child has not turned in an assignment it is noted on the page by me. Many thanks to the parents and children who have been diligently recording the assignments and checking off the work as it is completed.

On another note, it is best to remove old homework at the end of each week. Any assignments that are potentially going to be referred to again will be attached to notebooks. School notices should be removed daily. Please make it a part of your child's homework routine to show you any notices/forms from the school.

Unfortunately, we do not have enough extra copies of the Student Reference books to give each child a copy to keep at home. In an effort to address this need and with the knowledge that the Reference book can be difficult to read, the class is given math notes that are hopefully more helpful.The children have permission to take home their math notebooks to help them with their math work if needed.

Finally, I would like to thank the families who have made the effort to log in and read the blog consistently. As a "Green" school, this blog will cut down on extra paper use as well as eliminate any lost letters. With this being the beginning of the year there have been many posts, so thank you for making that extra effort!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Week Two

Our first full week of school has flown by! Week two will start will a few new routines:

*Starting Monday, the class will walk up to the room by themselves in the morning.

*Extended Day sessions will also start at 8:00 am. Children who were invited to participate in the program will be picked up from the school lunchroom.
(As of Tuesday, kids were sent up from the lunchroom. Children are now expected to walk upstairs by themselves.)

*We will have our first Spelling test. It will include the twenty words in the homophones list.

*The first reading log will be due for collection on Monday.

In addition to this, our first social studies unit will be launched with our Landform Map project. Your child was asked to give you a letter explaining the materials needed in class for this project. We read the directions for making salt dough and I demonstrated the steps. Each child was given a piece of the dough made in class so that they would know what consistency the dough should be. Everyone was captivated so this should be a fun weekend project!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Scholastic Orders

The children were delighted to receive their first book order forms today! Please be aware that the deadline for ordering is next Friday, September 24.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rainy Days

On rainy days, when the class has to stay in during recess, it helps to have some fun games to play with. We are looking for donations of card games or board games to create a Games box for these occasions. If you have any old card games or board games (non electronic) in useable condition that you no longer want, we will gladly take them. Thank you for your consideration!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reading Logs, Homework Sheets and Snacks

Yesterday, we began our homework routine with the introduction of the reading log/ weekly response. Each child is responsible for keeping track of his/ her reading pace. The response on the rest of the page is intended to help the student practice writing about their reading (a key skill for test taking). Please help your child by initialing the log and reviewing their response when it is completed. The assignment will be collected on Mondays.

Homework sheets were placed in the homework folders. It is a place for your child to record the assignments for each night. If your child has missed an assignment, it will be marked on the bottom of the page. Please look over the sheet before Mondays to see how your child is keeping up with his/ her assignments and sign the bottom.

On a different note, we are trying a new routine in our class, the mid morning break. This is an opportunity for kids to refresh themselves by going to the bathroom, getting a drink or having a snack. Please keep in mind that if your child has a snack, it should be healthy. Try to avoid sugary foods or chips as these foods tend to become a distraction. For the sake of keeping our classroom clean, children were asked to bring only water to drink.

Thank you again for your help and support.

Wednesday Gym

Just a reminder: Please remind your child to wear sneakers tomorrow for gym class. Ms. Ussery will pick up the class from the yard for our first period session.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Math Games Link

For those children looking for some extra fun practice in math, please click on the Shepard Math Games Link under the Useful Websites Links section. On the top of the page, you will see a section called Basic Operations. All the games there will help you practice fast addition facts. I recommend Pop Up Math and Math Madness!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day

Wow! What a unusual start to our school year. I'm glad to have met the kids and families today. Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we ease into the routines of fourth grade.

Students familiarized themselves with their new classroom by going on a scavenger hunt. There was a lot of fun and questions! We spent most of today labelling and organizing the notebooks and folders. Class rules were determined by the group,with a focus on productive listening habits. Please continue to encourage and support your child as he/she gets back into the habit of listening with open eyes and ears; with a calm body. Most students have responded to occasional reminders and praise. This is a good start.

Next week, we will review these routines as we add on/ refine previous ideas. Starting Monday, homework and reading routines will become a focus. Please refer to the class newsletter that was sent home today for more details. There were also quite a few forms sent home with it. Please make sure you go through them and fill in any tear offs that are needed back in class. There should be a lunch form, a permission slip for Armory trips, two blue cards, and the dismissal tearoff in the newsletter.

Thank you so much for your attention to these matters. If you have any questions please feel free to send a note with your child and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible. This looks like a promising year! Please enjoy the long weekend and see you next Monday!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Please bring the following supplies on these days. These portions will make it much easier to bring to our third floor classroom.
Wednesday, September 9
8 Composition Notebooks
7 sturdy two pocket folders with inside pockets
6 dozen pencils
1 Ultra Fine point Sharpie, black

Monday, September 13
4 Large Glue sticks
2 Large Erasers
2 packs of 8 Crayola Markers, Classic Colors Wide Tip
1 24 count Crayola Colored pencils
4 Post it note pads, 3x3 lined
6 boxes of Facial Tissues

Tuesday, September 14
1 5” Fiskar scissors, blunt tip
4 Rolls Bounty towels
2 hand sanitizers
1 box hand wipes
2 yellow legal pads
2 box legal sized envelopes

Wednesday, September 15
1 box Storage bags, zipper, Gallon size
1 box Storage bags, 2.5 gallons
1 box Storage bags, Quart size
$5.00 for National Geographic subscription

Art Supplies
1 Sanford Pen EX-2 Gel ink, Uni ball Medium, Black
2 Roaring Composition Notebooks, Blue, Blank (unlined) 100 sheet

Science Supplies
1 Box Crayons

Wednesday Gym

Just got the cluster schedule: our gym class is scheduled for Wednesdays. Though it is the first day of school, Ms. Ussery is planning to have the class do some physical activities. Please encourage your child to wear sneakers.