Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 26

It's already time for the second round of report cards! Please be aware that the third marking period has begun and we are heading towards a busy time in our year. Test preparation has begun in the classroom  and with it, some anxieties might arise. In class, we have discussed how the work we've down throughout the year is helping prepare us to do our best on these assessments. It is also important to keep reminding ourselves that the test is not the only criteria for success and that students can do well in class, too. It is important for students to remember that what they do everyday can help them be successful.
ADDENDUM: The third optional test packet is available this week. I placed a copy of it on the desks of students who's family families requested it on Friday afternoon. Your child should bring it to you if they attend Saturday school tomorrow.

Scholastic Book orders were collected today. If you would like to order you still can if you go to the Scholastic website You can access it with this blog's Guided Reading link or go to Our class's online code is HHRTL.

Here's what's happening next week:

  • Report cards will be given out on Monday.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Tuesday. Afternoon conferences will be from 1:00- 3:00. Evening conferences will start at 5:30 and end by 8:00. Check your child's homework folder for your appointment time. 
  • Tuesday will be a half day due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12. Any child not picked up by then will be brought to the Multi Media Room. 
  • Ms. Ussery will have the class participate in PACERS on Wednesday. Please make sure your child is dressed for physical activity.
Have a safe and warm weekend!