Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 25

Congratulations to our class for having the most minutes read in the fourth grade for our school Readathon!!! Students who turned in their logs received a certificate for participating. Our thanks to the parents that helped keep track of all the minutes we read.

We were also fortunate to have a Family Friday with lots of parents coming in to plant! Our children loved working with the seeds and are anticipating the first sprouts. Fingers crossed for a successful germination! Thank you's to our great family volunteers!

There will be Saturday Test prep tomorrow. Please send your child with a snack. Class begins at 9am and dismissal is at 12 noon.

Here's what to expect for next week:
  • There will be a change in the weekly reading response. There will be a test prep extended response given out in its place. Students are still responsible for reading an independent text to keep up their stamina and fantasy work. For the assignment, students will work on reading two texts and writing a response using information from both text.
  • There will be a Spelling test on Monday and the Unit 6 Math test on Tuesday.
  • Armory visits resume on Tuesday!
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place Tuesday, March 12. Your child has received a PTC appointment request sheet this last Tuesday. Please return it soon so we can set up a time that is most convenient for you.
Have a wonderful weekend!