Friday, September 28, 2012

Week Five

One month has already flown by! This week, we started a new reading log format where we are learning to write a longer response. We have discussed how to go about this week long assignment, bullet point by bullet point, and students are expected to turn in the assignment on Monday for review.

We are putting the finishing touches to our first publish piece and will take our first math test next week. Here are the details:
  • We are leaving the Personal Narratives unit after a quick writing cycle. Students are taking home their published pieces this weekend for final touches and review.  Please ask your child to show you his/ her story.
  • Our next unit is Personal Persuasive Essays. Students will learn the five paragraph essay format as we write about an idea we believe in. It is our goal to convince others to believe in the same ideas by presenting reasons and evidence for the validity of our claims.
  • The first math unit is nearly complete and we will have the unit test on Wednesday. Students will receive a study sheet on Monday. Please review it with your child, going over any questions your child may have struggled with.
  • We are finishing up our work with map skills. Please notice that there is a Social Studies web link for New York State Maps on our blog.  Soon we will begin studying Native Americans of New York, starting with our trip to Old Stone House in two weeks. We currently have four chaperones for this trip. Chaperones will receive a letter with further instructions this week.
  • Family Friday will take place this Friday. Your child has a letter regarding this monthly event. We need volunteers to lead these sessions. In the past, we've had parents come share a craft or interest with the group which causes much excitement!
  • Please note the previous blog about ordering Scholastic books online. Please note that our class code is HHRTL. The close date for ordering from the September catalogs is September 30, this Sunday.
Have a sunny weekend!