Friday, September 14, 2012

Coming Week 3

Our first full week is over and we have made much progress in transitioning into fourth grade. We began cursive penmanship, Writing Workshop, Math Workshop and Social Studies. As we come to the third week, here are some things of note:
  • Please review your child's homework sheet during the weekend. I've noted on the sheet any missing assignments. Encourage your child to check off assignments as they are completed so there aren't any forgotten assignments. Occasionally there will be comments to help keep you updated about your child's progress. 
  • On the original supply list, there was a request for $5 dollars to purchase a New York Studies subscription. That subscription will now be for National Geographic (also $5.00), which will support our work later in the year when students write non fiction books about a science topic of their choosing.
  • In preparation for an upcoming project, I am asking families to donate sturdy cardboard pieces that are pre-cut to 9x12 inches. Please send in the cardboard by September 24. This project will also require salt dough to be made at home. Salt dough is made from salt, flour and water. Please keep this in mind as you grocery shop :)
  • Please note that all the Armory Dates for this year are entered into our class calendar.
  • We began our Social Studies Unit on the Geography of New York. We have started by reviewing basic map skills and will look at various maps to learn about our state and how its landforms affect they way we live.
Finally, if you are interested in being class parent, please let Debby Wattenbarger know. We already have one volunteer, Mrs. Au (yay!). The class parents will assist with creating a classroom directory, helping to facilitate communication to families, etc.

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy New Year to our families celebrating Rosh Hashanah! Please note that school will be closed during Monday and Tuesday.