Friday, November 11, 2011

Week 11

Here's what to expect for the upcoming week:
  • Report cards will be given out on Monday. If you have not already returned your Parent Teacher Conference appointment slip, please be aware that there are no more slots in the evening after 5:30. There are slots available from 1-2:50 pm.
  • Tuesday will be a half day due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12 noon.
  • We will be visiting the American Museum of Natural History this Thursday. Chaperones will receive a letter with more information this Monday.
  • In Writing Workshop, we began our work on persuasive essay with a debate. In this unit, students are expected to take a position and defend their thesis with evidence. Students will write in the five paragraph essay format and practice strategies for expository writing. The work in this unit will also prepare our students for the writing that is expected on the New York State ELA.
  • Finally, in the equation (3*2)*4=24, the product is 24. The answer in a multiplication sentence is called the product. Please check out our new poll question.
Have a happy weekend!