Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 12

We had a great time at the American Museum of Natural History, due to the awesome chaperones! Mr. Fogel, Mrs. Aponte, Mr. Fuqua, Mrs. Lewandowski, Mr. Lowery, Mr. Pinciotti, Mr. Burwell, Mrs. Wattenbarger and Lucy's grandfather, Blake, took excellent care of each child as we moved through a crowded subway and museum. They even graciously put up with my appalling sense of direction.
The children were able to enjoy the Hall of Eastern Woodland Indians and the Hall of Ocean Life before reluctantly leaving.
Thank you to everyone!

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We will visit the Armory on Tuesday from 10:25 to 11:25.
  • On Wednesday afternoon, we will have a Native American themed Thanksgiving. Your child has a letter with more details. Please look it over . We appreciate any help we can get for the meal!
  • Schools will be closed on Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving weekend. 
  • Finally, the answer to the poll question (Which fact does not belong in the 4,6, and 24 family?) is 24= 6/4. This math fact is written incorrectly and not true! Good voting by everyone! Check out this week's question!
It was a pleasure to meet with everyone on Tuesday. Your support and concern will help ensure a successful second semester. Please return your child's report card if you have not already done so and thank you for your time.

Have a wonderful, restful weekend!