Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow! We are stuffed. The food and supplies sent in by all families were greatly appreciated. Three Sisters soup, roasted corn, and fresh strawberry drinks made for a yummy feast, plus the kids gained a better understanding of how the Iroquois ate.

Our thanks to Mrs. Lewandowski and Mrs. Wattenbarger who came by and assisted with the preparations. Our gratitude also goes out to all families who cooked and contributed to this event. You made this a memorable experience!

Here's what to expect for the upcoming week:

  • We will also have the next math unit test on Wednesday. The test will focus on multiplication factsopen sentences (including algebraic sentences) and numbers stories. It is a much shorter test than the last unit test. The best way to prepare is to review multiplication facts (especially the four, six, seven and eight times table. 
  • We will head to Old Stone House on Thursday. Chaperones will receive a letter with more details on Monday.
  • December's First Friday will feature Mr. Thompson, who will bring magic to our classroom! Please join us this Friday.
Have a wonderful and happy holiday!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 12

We had a great time at the American Museum of Natural History, due to the awesome chaperones! Mr. Fogel, Mrs. Aponte, Mr. Fuqua, Mrs. Lewandowski, Mr. Lowery, Mr. Pinciotti, Mr. Burwell, Mrs. Wattenbarger and Lucy's grandfather, Blake, took excellent care of each child as we moved through a crowded subway and museum. They even graciously put up with my appalling sense of direction.
The children were able to enjoy the Hall of Eastern Woodland Indians and the Hall of Ocean Life before reluctantly leaving.
Thank you to everyone!

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We will visit the Armory on Tuesday from 10:25 to 11:25.
  • On Wednesday afternoon, we will have a Native American themed Thanksgiving. Your child has a letter with more details. Please look it over . We appreciate any help we can get for the meal!
  • Schools will be closed on Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving weekend. 
  • Finally, the answer to the poll question (Which fact does not belong in the 4,6, and 24 family?) is 24= 6/4. This math fact is written incorrectly and not true! Good voting by everyone! Check out this week's question!
It was a pleasure to meet with everyone on Tuesday. Your support and concern will help ensure a successful second semester. Please return your child's report card if you have not already done so and thank you for your time.

Have a wonderful, restful weekend!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Week 11

Here's what to expect for the upcoming week:
  • Report cards will be given out on Monday. If you have not already returned your Parent Teacher Conference appointment slip, please be aware that there are no more slots in the evening after 5:30. There are slots available from 1-2:50 pm.
  • Tuesday will be a half day due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12 noon.
  • We will be visiting the American Museum of Natural History this Thursday. Chaperones will receive a letter with more information this Monday.
  • In Writing Workshop, we began our work on persuasive essay with a debate. In this unit, students are expected to take a position and defend their thesis with evidence. Students will write in the five paragraph essay format and practice strategies for expository writing. The work in this unit will also prepare our students for the writing that is expected on the New York State ELA.
  • Finally, in the equation (3*2)*4=24, the product is 24. The answer in a multiplication sentence is called the product. Please check out our new poll question.
Have a happy weekend!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Project Runway: Native American Figures

Here is a sample of the project that is due on Monday:

Week 10

False Face Masks for First Friday (say that five times fast)!
Our thanks to Mrs. Treinen for leading the workshop on this Native American artifact. We also appreciate all the parents who came by to support our learning.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • Tuesday will be a non attendance day for students due to Election Day and staff development. 
  • Schools will also be closed on Friday due to Veterans Day.
  • We are beginning the next reading unit on Nonfiction Texts. This unit will focus on expository texts, which are the informational books that focus on a subject and its many subtopics during the two weeks. Then we will switch to narrative non fiction, which includes biographies. The purpose of this unit is to develop our reading skills in order to learn about a subject. 
  • Please continue to support our Penny Harvest! Dollars, nickels, dimes and quarters are welcomed, too!
  • Finally, this week's poll asked for another name for 340,167. The answer was in the expanded form of 300,000+ 40,000+ 100+ 60+ 7, which was chosen by everyone. Great job, everyone!
Have a great weekend!