Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 19

This week has had its share of ups and downs in terms of our weather. We missed our Armory visit because of a busing snafu. The Armory visit has been rescheduled for Feb 1.

The progress report sheet went home for our boys this week. Please review and sign your son's green homework sheet.

Here's what's coming this week.

* There will be a ELA and Math predictive exam given on Tuesday and Wednesday . These are exams that assess how a child is doing so far and is used as a tool to determine the next steps for your child.

*We will have Buddy PE with our Kindergarten Buddies on Thursday.

* Keep sending in those jars for our upcoming butter churning activity.

* The answer to the Poll question is 8 gross equals to 1,152. Good work!

Have a safe and healthy weekend!