Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Update

Please review and sign the green homework sheet for your son if you have not already done so.

Tomorrow, we will take the Math Predictive assessment. The ELA exam will follow on Wednesday. These exams are meant to offer some practice for the State exams and to offer teachers some information on areas in need of additional instruction.

Luckily, Thursday will include some levity as we meet with our Buddies for Physical Education.

We have wrapped up our work on the Fantasy Unit in reading. Please remind your child to return any fantasy books that they have finished to the classroom. Today, we are beginning independent mystery reading and the reading log reflects the change. The children have shown that they have some background on the mystery genre from a study they did in the third grade. Each student will take the next week to re-immerse themselves in mystery reading at home while we keep working on interpretation skills in poetry during class time. It is important that your child maintains a good reading pace, which is why students are reading mystery (poetry is short and will not be enough to sustain reading stamina). At this point in the year, a child should read between 30- 40 pages in their just-right-book during their 45 minutes of reading time.

Keep well and warm. Have a great week!