Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Update

* Our Read-a-thon starts today! Your child was asked to keep the record sheet in the homework folder so we can record our reading times in school. Even if your child does not participate in the fundraising part of this, it can still be fund to participate in the book mark design contest. All children who turn in a completed reading sheet will receive a certificate for their efforts.

* We have our Armory visit tomorrow, weather permitting. Please make sure your child has the appropriate shoes.

* We will also have the Unit 5 Math test tomorrow. Please encourage your child to review the study sheet and practice any tricky multiplication facts.

*Thank you for promptly signing the green behavior reports that went out for the girls last Friday.

* Please continue to send in the 10 to 14 oz.  lidded jars for the butter churning activity. Please try to adhere to the size specified. The activity requires vigorous shaking of the jar for nearly 5 minutes and larger jars present an extra degree of difficulty for small hands.

Have an excellent week!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 20

Hope everyone had a great snow day!
Here are some events to look forward to for next week (weather permitting):

* We begin our annual Read-a-thon next week! Your child received a packet with more information on Wednesday; please review it with your child.  This is a great way to help the school while doing something we all do anyway: read! Please remind your child to log in his/ her reading time, which includes the reading s/he does for the weekly response. Even if you are not planning on participating in the fundraising aspect of the event, each child will receive a certificate for participating if they turn in a log. The Read-a-thon will last up to Friday, Feb 18th.

* Our Armory trip from January 18 has been reschedule for this Tuesday.

* We will also have our Unit 5 Math test on Tuesday. The focus will be on multiplication strategies, estimation, elapsed time and some other topics from previous units like the In and Out Boxes.

* On Friday, we will go to Prospect Park Zoo with Ms. Gamboi. There we will participate in dissecting an owl pellet to better  understand the food cycle of an owl. There will also be some time to wander around the zoo.

Have a safe and warm weekend!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Update

Please review and sign the green homework sheet for your son if you have not already done so.

Tomorrow, we will take the Math Predictive assessment. The ELA exam will follow on Wednesday. These exams are meant to offer some practice for the State exams and to offer teachers some information on areas in need of additional instruction.

Luckily, Thursday will include some levity as we meet with our Buddies for Physical Education.

We have wrapped up our work on the Fantasy Unit in reading. Please remind your child to return any fantasy books that they have finished to the classroom. Today, we are beginning independent mystery reading and the reading log reflects the change. The children have shown that they have some background on the mystery genre from a study they did in the third grade. Each student will take the next week to re-immerse themselves in mystery reading at home while we keep working on interpretation skills in poetry during class time. It is important that your child maintains a good reading pace, which is why students are reading mystery (poetry is short and will not be enough to sustain reading stamina). At this point in the year, a child should read between 30- 40 pages in their just-right-book during their 45 minutes of reading time.

Keep well and warm. Have a great week!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 19

This week has had its share of ups and downs in terms of our weather. We missed our Armory visit because of a busing snafu. The Armory visit has been rescheduled for Feb 1.

The progress report sheet went home for our boys this week. Please review and sign your son's green homework sheet.

Here's what's coming this week.

* There will be a ELA and Math predictive exam given on Tuesday and Wednesday . These are exams that assess how a child is doing so far and is used as a tool to determine the next steps for your child.

*We will have Buddy PE with our Kindergarten Buddies on Thursday.

* Keep sending in those jars for our upcoming butter churning activity.

* The answer to the Poll question is 8 gross equals to 1,152. Good work!

Have a safe and healthy weekend!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Case of Nits

We have had a reported case of nits this weekend. As a precaution, all student in our class were checked for a nits or lice. There were no additional cases and each child received a letter with further detail and recommendations. Please make sure you get this letter from your child and if you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Ortiz or Ms. Plunkett.

Monday News

Due to a bus malfunction and the weather being so tricky, our excursion to the Armory was unable to take place. Mr. Havlik is looking into a possible rescheduling and we'll let you know if it is definite.

Here are some reminders for this week:
* Please continue to send in glass jars (about 10-14oz.)
* Please supply your child with a folder each for Music and Word Study if you have not already done so.
* Please continue to send in your child's permission slip and admission for the Prospect Park Zoo if you have not already done so. Ms. Gamboi needs to send in the payment to hold down our reservation.
* Green progress sheets went out for our girls last Friday. Please review and sign the sheet if you have not already done so.

Thank you and have a great week!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Week 18

There were some wonderful moments during today's Buddy Activity. The fourth graders helped the younger children read words and review some addition strategies with much patience and clear demonstration. Great job!

Here are some things to look forward to next week:

*Schools are closed on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

* When we return on Tuesday, we will have a visit to the Armory. Please make sure your child wears sneakers.

* We will also have our spelling test for the third set of spelling words on Tuesday.

* We will begin poetry reading in class. This unit will focus on reading poems with comprehension and interpretation. We will look at how poets use craft such as imagery and vivid language to create a message. In order to keep up our reading stamina, we will continue reading fantasy books at home.

* This week, we began our math unit on multiplication of 2-3 digit numbers. We will learn three strategies for multiplication: The Partial Products method, the Lattice Method and the standard method. The class will try out each strategy and each child will decide which method works consistently well for them. The class is already showing that they are quite adept at these strategies and many children have a choice of strategies depending on the question.

* The answer to last weeks poll question, "What is the decimal equivalent for 3/4?", is 0.75.

* Please continue to send in the 10-14 oz. jar for our butter churning activity. We aim to do this activity during the first week of February.

*Ms. Gamboi has also asked that permission slips and admission for the Prospect Park trip be sent in as soon as possible if you have not already done so.

Thank you for your attention. Have a warm weekend!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Subway Changes

The changes in the the F line that were schedule to start yesterday have been pushed back to next week. If your child commutes, please make sure s/he is aware of it and factor that change into their travel time on the commute home. Thank you.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Update

We start the week with some transit upheaval for those of us who commute by subway. The F train service has been changed and Manhattan bound trains will not stop at our local station. Anyone who commutes via subway will have to take the Brooklyn bound F to Church Street and take the Manhattan bound F from that station.
Arriving to school should not be affected as the Brooklyn bound F trains are running normally.

Here are some other items to note:

* Please send in the permission slip and admission for the Prospect Park Trip. I can collect it and forward it to Ms. Gamboi who is organizing the trip.

* Please continue to collect the glass jar for our butter making activity. We will try to get that underway during the first week of February.

* Test folders will go out tomorrow and contain the Unit 4 Math test. Most children did very well on the exam. Some children need to look over their calculations, specifically when there is regrouping or borrowing. We will continue working on those skills in class and you can support that at home by looking over the test and reminding your child to check their calculations during homework.

* The Green Progress report for boys went out last week. Please look over your son's homework sheet and sign the report.

Thank you for your attention and efforts. Have a safe and warm week!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Week 17

Weaving is hard work! For our First Friday activity, we tried to weave fabric like the early colonist. At our Brooklyn Museum visit, we learned that fabric was very valuable and with all the effort it takes, we know why! With a lot of patience and concentration, we were able to make some progress. Each child has their project and some more yarn to add on to the weaving board if they want to continue with the project. It isn't a homework assignment but almost all students expressed an interest in continuing it.

Green progress reports went home for our boys this week. Please review and sign for your son.

Here are some things to note for this upcoming week:
* We will have a meeting with our Kindergarten Buddies next Friday.
* Please continue sending in those glass jars! We need jars that are about 10-14 ounces big for a butter churning activity in February.
* Please return the trip slip for the Prospect Park Owl Pellet trip on February 4.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thank you Chaperones!

Our second visit to the Brooklyn Museum is over and we had a lot of learning opportunities. We got to examine a few artifacts and visit a  more modern Dutch farmhouse.
We want to thank Ms. Mitchell, Ms. Peterson and Mr. Naimoli for coming with us and for being so helpful!

A change of plans: We will work on a weaving activity during this First Friday. This is an activity gifted to us by the Brooklyn Museum. Please join us if you'd like!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Welcome back! It great to see everyone well rested and ready for the new year.

Here a few few things to note:
* The poll answer to 900 divided by 1000 is 0.9 or nine tenths.

* Green behavior sheets went home for the girls on the Thursday before the recess. Please review and sign it .

* We have our trip to the Brooklyn Museum this Wednesday. If you are interested in being a chaperone, please send a note with your child or let me know at dismissal.

* There will be a math test on Thursday on decimals and the metric units of linear measurements. As usual, there will be a study sheet.

* First Friday this week might center around a math game but can be rescheduled if some one would like to present an activity to the class. Please send a note if you would like to share a talent!

* Please make sure your child has two additional folders: one for word study and another for music. This was posted a couple of weeks ago so quite a few families have already taken care of this and can disregard this reminder.

* We will need a clean glass jar with a lid per child for a butter churning activity in February. The jar should hold  about 10-14 oz. Children will have to shake the contents of the jar so any jars that are too large may present a problem for small hands. Please keep an eye out for a jar that would suit this activity and send it in with your child whenever you can.

Thank you and have a wonderful week!