Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday Notes

*We began our new writing unit, Fantasy Short Stories. Each student used a sentence starter to generate a seed idea: (Character/ Hero) wants (an object, a wish) but (obstacle or problem prevents the hero from getting what the hero wants) so (quest) until (solves problem; changes). Then they live happily ever after!
For homework tonight, your child was tasked with creating two more ideas using this pattern. Have fun and don't forget the magical elements!

* This is the second week of book club meetings. Your child has already made a plan to read a specified amount of pages at home and the jot down an important thought about the reading so that they can bring it for discussion at the meetings on Tuesday and Thursday.

* There are four chaperones for the Brooklyn Museum trip this Wednesday. Each chaperone will receive a letter tomorrow with more information about the trip. If you would like to join us and hadn't signed up, please send a note with your child tomorrow.

* Two Scholastic Book orders went home today. If you are interested in purchasing books for your child, please turn in the order form along with the money by Friday.

* POLL ANSWER: Nineteen and eight hundredths is written as 19.08. Great job, voters!

Have a safe and warm week!