Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday News

Thank you to the boys and parents who made sure their green reports were signed. I had forgotten to mention it on Friday's post but many of you were on top of that anyway!

*Tomorrow, we are going to Town Hall. We will leave the school at 9:15 and hopefully get there in time to be seated before the 10:30 show. We will return to have lunch either in the classroom or the lunchroom. The bus ride may be lengthy and if your child gets motion sickness, please supply him/her with a sour hard candy which can alleviate some nausea. While we will make every effort to kept a child comfortable we cannot give any child medication like Dramamine so please plan accordingly.

*Test folders went home today. In it you will find last weeks math test on Unit 3 and today's spelling test. You'll notice that due to the new spelling program, your child was tested on only half of the words on their word list. It is still important to study all the words since it is expected that those words will be used correctly in writing pieces.

* We began our fantasy book clubs by assigning groups and picking books with our clubs to read together. The groups met and set a goal for how many pages they will try to read tonight and wrote the page number on a post it  attached to the front cover. Some children also took home extra books to read because they did not want to exceed the group goal and get ahead in the story.
We also got a brand new reading log and it is suggested that the book club book be used for the response there.

*Finally, a belated thanks to the parents who came in and assisted with First Friday this past week! We also want to thank the families that donated books to the classroom during the Scholastic Book fair. Those books helped add to our nonfiction work and generated much excitement amongst our readers!