Friday, October 15, 2010

Week 6

We are going on trips next week!

On Tuesday, we will go to the Armory for an addition to our Physical Education program. We will take the bus over to the Prospect Park Armory. There, we will participate in a few group activities. Please make sure your child is dressed for gym.

We will also have a Place Value Quiz on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, we'll take our walk to through Prospect Park and examine the natural resources used by the Lenape Indians. As of now, we have two chaperones and would greatly appreciate more helpers.

The Longhouse project that went home with your child today is due Thursday. Hopefully, the directions are clear but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send a note. The goal is to build a model of an Iroquois longhouse after the children have done some basic research into how the Native Americans lived pre-colonial times.

Thanks again for your time and help. Have a great weekend!