Sunday, February 28, 2010

March Units of Study

We will continue working on Nonfiction units in Literacy: Social Studies Content in Reading; Feature Articles for our Writing.
In Reading, we will return to some tried and true skills for reading Nonfiction including determining important ideas/facts, summarizing and putting together those facts to make larger ideas that may connect to other subjects. We will also focus on vocabulary strategies that help us read texts that are challenging to us. Nonfiction is the genre where we read to learn and we will use this as an opportunity to learn more in Social Studies.
In Writing, our work will center on Journalism, particularly Feature Articles. These are similar to the pieces in magazines. Students will research a highly focused topic such as colonial medicine and write an article with the intention of teaching a reader about the topic.

We will begin work on measuring the Area, Volume and Capacity of shapes and developing mathematical formulas for the Areas of Regular Polygons. We will also look at Fractions and its relation to the topic of Probability.

Social Studies
We will continue our work our work on the New York as an English Colony and begin to examine our state’s role in the American Revolution by the end of this month.