Monday, February 1, 2010

February Units of Study

In Reader’s Workshop, we have worked on reading Fantasy with attention to the writer’s craft and story elements such as heroic characters, quest, symbolism and fantasy as a metaphor/ allegory for real life. We will continue this unit through the first week of February before moving onto Reading for Research. In this unit, students will practice simple research skills while reading nonfiction texts.

In Writer’s Workshop, we will publish our own short Fantasy pieces by the second week of the month. Afterwards, we will move on to Feature Articles. Students will be asked to write a short article about a topic we are studying in Social Studies.

In Math, we have begun to look at long division using the Partial Quotients algorithm. In addition to that, we will start the unit on fractions, probability, coordinate geometry, area and perimeter.

In Social Studies, we've concluded our unit on the Dutch of New Amsterdam and will now focus on the English takeover of New York. We will examine the influences of the British as well as the reasons we went to war to become an independent country.