Friday, March 28, 2014

Week 28: New York State ELA

It's here! We've worked very hard all year and now's the time to show it! The ELA test will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.  Each session will last 70 minutes. Tuesday will feature passages with multiple choice questions to answer. Wednesday will feature a few multiple choices, a few short responses, and one extended response. Thursday will feature more short response questions and one extended response.

This test will require careful reading and stamina. To help your child, please make sure: 
  • Your child goes to bed at a consistent time and gets enough rest.
  • Your child eats a nutritious breakfast. 
  • Your child dresses in comfortable clothing. Pajamas are allowed if it is not too much of a distraction. 
There will be no homework given on Monday, Tuesday,  and Wednesday but children should spend sometime reading their just right books.

On another note, we will be making guacamole on Wednesday as a fun reading activity. Please send your child in with a ripe avocado on Wednesday.

We are also running low on tissue. Please consider donating a box or two if you can. Thank you!

Have a great restful weekend!