Friday, March 28, 2014

Week 28: New York State ELA

It's here! We've worked very hard all year and now's the time to show it! The ELA test will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.  Each session will last 70 minutes. Tuesday will feature passages with multiple choice questions to answer. Wednesday will feature a few multiple choices, a few short responses, and one extended response. Thursday will feature more short response questions and one extended response.

This test will require careful reading and stamina. To help your child, please make sure: 
  • Your child goes to bed at a consistent time and gets enough rest.
  • Your child eats a nutritious breakfast. 
  • Your child dresses in comfortable clothing. Pajamas are allowed if it is not too much of a distraction. 
There will be no homework given on Monday, Tuesday,  and Wednesday but children should spend sometime reading their just right books.

On another note, we will be making guacamole on Wednesday as a fun reading activity. Please send your child in with a ripe avocado on Wednesday.

We are also running low on tissue. Please consider donating a box or two if you can. Thank you!

Have a great restful weekend!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Week 27: Springtime!

We had a productive and engaging visit from The New York Historical Society. Our educator, Leah, was able to show us many artifacts from the Revolutionary Era of our country's history. Students were able to learn about the main causes of the American Revolution and what life was like for a colonial soldier.

Gun powder was stored in the hollowed  horn.

Musket ball

As we wind down our test preparations for the ELA which will take place the week following, here are some thoughts to help you prepare:

  • Get into a stable sleep routine. With the weather improving and more activities starting up, please make sure your child is well rested for school.
  • Be realistic with expectations. Help your child be mentally prepared for this by not placing undue stress on scoring a certain number. Your child should understand that you want them to do their very best and regardless of the results, you will still be proud of them. The test is only one aspect of their school life and middle schools look at so much more than just the fourth grade test scores.
  • Read with your child. They are not too old for read alouds! By reading with an adult, children will benefit from your modeling of good reading and it helps create a positive feeling about reading, especially at a time when reading can be challenging. 
Fires were started with flintstones.

Soldiers listened to fife music for signals.

Here's what to expect for next week:
  • There will be a test practice administered under test conditions so that your child can practice using the 70 minutes allotted for the test productively on Monday. 
  • We will visit the Brooklyn Museum on Thursday. This is a free trip and we will be back before lunch time. We will visit exhibits that pertain to colonial New York. 
Have a wonderful, warm weekend!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Week 26: Final Semester begins

It was great seeing everyone again for our Parent Teacher Conferences! The children came back with renewed purpose, ready to finish the final months with their best efforts. This will be crucial as we have two more weeks before the NYS ELA Assessment is administered.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We are meeting with our Buddies on Monday for a quick St. Patrick's Day activity.
  • We are also participating in Pacers with Ms. Ussery on Monday. Please have your child dressed for physical activity.
  • I will be out on Wednesday for a Go Math workshop. There will be a substitute teacher with review work for the class.
  • The New York Historical Society Educator will be visiting our classroom for an outreach session about New York's role in The American Revolution. This will take place on Thursday at 10:15. 
Have a sunny weekend!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 25: Parent Teacher Conferences

Report cards will be given out on Monday. Please look through them  and bring them to your conference. We will discuss what we will do moving forward to help your child continue his or her progress. 

We want to thank Mrs. Hudgins for leading our planting activity this Family Friday and the many parents who came to help. 

Here's what is happening next week:
  • Report cards will be distributed on Monday.
  • Due to Parent Teacher Conferences, there will be a half day. Students will be dismissed at 12 noon. If you are late to pick up, please pick up your child in the MMR. 
If you have not turned in $4 dollar for the NY Historical Society Outreach program, please do so soon. Thank you!
Have a great weekend!