Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 23: Return from MidWinter Break

We have a packed agenda when we return from the recess. Parent Teacher Conferences will take place two weeks later and three weeks after that, we will have the NYS ELA test starting on April 1st (not an April Fools Day prank), 2nd, and 3rd. With that in mind, while the recess homework your child received on Monday is optional, please encourage child to  that your to try some of it, if not all of it.

Students are required to keep up their independent reading over the break. They are logging their time on the Read-athon sheet and the front cover of the homework packet. Please make sure your child keeps up these habits. The Read-athon sheet should be totaled and returned on Monday. Congratulations to our very own Roshi, who had the winning entry for the fourth grade in the book mark contest!

When we return from the break:
  • We will begin test preparations in class. This is during the school day and will focus on strategies that will help your child be a better test taker. This will not take the place of our reading work in Fantasy book clubs or our writing of our Informational text. 
  • The unit six math test has been graded and will be returned to your child on Monday. 

Please visit this blog again after Friday. We will have a new video featuring Abi and Calista as they explain how to add fractions with common denominators. 
Have a fantastic recess. Safe travels to all!