Friday, February 28, 2014

Week 24: March Madness

Welcome back! The class came back from recess and picked up right where they left off without a hitch! Many students worked on the Winter Recess packet and we are incorporating it into our test prep work in class. If your child is also attending Saturday School, please remember that it resumes tomorrow and it is an opportunity for students to practice the test prep strategies we worked on in class.

In the last blog post, I announced that test folders would be returned to your child this week. Due to the fact that report cards are being written now, I will need to hang on to them a little longer to help me assess your child's progress. I will send them to you when report cards are done. Thank you for your patience!

Here's what is happening next week:
  • We are going to the Armory on Tuesday. Please make sure your child is dressed for gym. 
  • Mrs. Hudgins will help us plant seeds for the school garden during Family Friday
Please expect report cards next Monday. Parent Teacher Conferences are next Tuesday and an appointment form will go home with your child on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 23: Return from MidWinter Break

We have a packed agenda when we return from the recess. Parent Teacher Conferences will take place two weeks later and three weeks after that, we will have the NYS ELA test starting on April 1st (not an April Fools Day prank), 2nd, and 3rd. With that in mind, while the recess homework your child received on Monday is optional, please encourage child to  that your to try some of it, if not all of it.

Students are required to keep up their independent reading over the break. They are logging their time on the Read-athon sheet and the front cover of the homework packet. Please make sure your child keeps up these habits. The Read-athon sheet should be totaled and returned on Monday. Congratulations to our very own Roshi, who had the winning entry for the fourth grade in the book mark contest!

When we return from the break:
  • We will begin test preparations in class. This is during the school day and will focus on strategies that will help your child be a better test taker. This will not take the place of our reading work in Fantasy book clubs or our writing of our Informational text. 
  • The unit six math test has been graded and will be returned to your child on Monday. 

Please visit this blog again after Friday. We will have a new video featuring Abi and Calista as they explain how to add fractions with common denominators. 
Have a fantastic recess. Safe travels to all!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Week 22: Readathon

We are done with week one of our Readathon! You may have noticed that our students have been logging their reading on two sheets. Our goal is to be the fourth grade class that reads the most minutes. Please help us by reminding us to log our reading time this weekend. The Readathon ends on the Friday during the Mid Winter Recess. After that students should bring in their sheets so that we can do a final tally of our reading time. Go 4-303!

There's  another video, this time featuring Matthew and Zach. They are explaining how to play Fraction Action, a math game that each student should have in his/ her homework folder. Have fun!

Saturday School starts this week. Please have your child arrive to the MMR by 9 am. Your child should have a snack for the middle of the morning. Mrs. Treinen will be teaching the sessions.

There will be a homework packet given out for Mid Winter Recess. It is optional and designed to give families an idea about what to expect for the upcoming state tests. Please take a moment to look over it before you decide whether your child will work on it or not.

Here's what else is happening next week:

  • We will go to the Armory on Tuesday. Please remind your child to wear comfortable clothing. 
  • I will be out on Tuesday for a Teacher's College workshop on Test Preparation.
  • We will meet with our buddies on Friday. It is also Valentine's Day but I'll provide the treats :)
Finally, we want to thank Mr. Singer, Gideon's grandfather for the wonderful presentation he made on Slavery in early Brooklyn. We learned so much from his expert teachings and we were treated to a performance by his rapper alter ego, Reese's Pieces. 

Have a sunny weekend!