Friday, November 8, 2013

Week Ten: End of First Marking Period

Report cards will be given out Wednesday of next week. Many of you have turned in your requests for a Parent Teacher Conference and have received a notice informing you of the time of your appointment. Thank you for sending in your responses quickly. 

This week we began our music program and the kids had a great time singing and playing the ukelele. Our teacher, Mr. Kiah, led us through some singing and basics of ukelele care. We also learned about the parts of a ukelele. Music will take place every Wednesday from now on. 

Finally, we want to thank Ms. Hudgins for taking us into the garden and showing us how to harvest and compost last Tuesday. We had a great time!

Here's what to expect next week:
  • Schools are closed due to Veterans Day on Monday.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday from 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm and then resume at 5:30pm- 7:50pm. Students will be dismissed at noon. 
  • We will visit the Book Fair at 11:15 on Wednesday.
Have a great weekend!