Friday, November 22, 2013

Week Twelve: Happy Hanukkah and Happy Thanksgiving!

Test folders went home today with the unit 2 and unit 3 math test. Please keep an eye out for the red test folder.
We have a short but action-packed week coming up:

  • On Monday, Roshi's mom will come in to help our students create a page for the Winter Fair project. Our families have been asked to contribute recipes to make a class cookbook. If you have not already done so, please send in a recipe for this project!
  • We will also meet with our Buddies Class on Monday afternoon!
  • We will visit the Armory on Tuesday. Please make sure your child is dressed for physical activity. 
  • Also on Tuesday afternoon, we will have our Native American Thanksgiving. By now you have seen the letters asking for contributions so we can make a soup and a fruit drink. Thank you all for donating and responding quickly!
  • On Wednesday, we will head over to the College of Staten Island Art Center to watch the Thunderbird Native American Dancers
  • Schools will be closed on Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. We want to wish all our families a happy and festive feast and Happy Hanukkah,  too.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 11

 It was great to see many families at Parent Teacher Conferences. Speaking with you made me feel supported in the hard works we are doing this year. Thank you all for your insight and questions. In addition, it was very sweet for many families and students to buy books for our class library!

One question that came up was about getting resources to help with our new math program. Please be on the look out for an informal reference guide that will go home beginning with each new unit. Your child will have it in the math homework book. The important lessons are laid out with a strategy given step by step. The current unit is coming to an end this week and there will be a math test on Tuesday. Please keep an eye out for a study sheet that can be used to review for the upcoming test. Below is a class chart for a multiplication problem involving algebra (at least that was how we learned it when we were in Middle School) that appears on the test prep page from Thursday's homework.

Here's what is happening next week: 
  • The Unit Three math test will be given on Tuesday. The unit two test was graded a while ago but  held onto for parent teacher conferences. I will send home both test at the end of next week. Thank you for your patience!
  • I will be out on Wednesday to attend a workshop at Teacher's College. 
  • There will be a Music Assembly on Wednesday. 
  • We will begin Unit 4 in Math. This unit will focus on division facts and dividing larger factors with a single digit divisor. 
Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Week Ten: End of First Marking Period

Report cards will be given out Wednesday of next week. Many of you have turned in your requests for a Parent Teacher Conference and have received a notice informing you of the time of your appointment. Thank you for sending in your responses quickly. 

This week we began our music program and the kids had a great time singing and playing the ukelele. Our teacher, Mr. Kiah, led us through some singing and basics of ukelele care. We also learned about the parts of a ukelele. Music will take place every Wednesday from now on. 

Finally, we want to thank Ms. Hudgins for taking us into the garden and showing us how to harvest and compost last Tuesday. We had a great time!

Here's what to expect next week:
  • Schools are closed due to Veterans Day on Monday.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday from 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm and then resume at 5:30pm- 7:50pm. Students will be dismissed at noon. 
  • We will visit the Book Fair at 11:15 on Wednesday.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Photos from Week 8



Week 9

Presenting at Old Stone House
This Family Friday featured Ms. Tyler (Emily's mom), who came in to share her expertise in advertising with our students. The class was challenged to think about the  purpose of the commercials and ads we see everyday and think critically about the intent of the authors. Thank you for sharing this with us, Ms.
Here's what to expect next week:
  • There will be a math test on Monday. Unit 2 content (multiplication) will be tested. We had a review in class. Please help your child study by going over the times table so that calculations become more accurate.
  • Picture Day is Monday! We will have our pictures taken at 12, right before lunch. 
  • Students do not report to school on Tuesday. 
  • We will start music class on Wednesday!
The first marking period will come to a close by the end of next week. Please expect a form regarding Parent Teacher conferences. Please be aware that the meeting be an average of ten minutes long. 

Have a great weekend!
Native Americans used arrows
Fishing with nets

Telling the Origin of Corn story