Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 25

March is here! We are now ending the second marking period and Parent Teacher Conferences will be on March 15th. Next week, a notice and sign up slip will go home so that we can schedule appointments. Please keep an eye out for it. Report cards will be given out on next Monday.

We would like to thank Mrs. Lewandowski for leading the March First Friday activity. We also have to thank the great set of parents, Mr. Pinciotti, Mrs. Tacconelli, Mrs. Treinen, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Wattenbarger,  who showed up to help our class plant seeds.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We are beginning the math unit on Fractions and Their Uses. This can be a challenging unit if students do not understand that fractions are numbers that show the relationship between parts and the parts needed to complete a whole. If your child is struggling with the concept of fractions, please check out the Sheppard Math Games link for some fun fraction games that give visual examples to practice with.
  • We are beginning the Explainers Video series. Please notice that there are two video on the left side. Click on them to watch our very own students explain some of the topics they are learning in class. The goal is that all children with video release forms will get to film a spot. The video release form was signed earlier at the beginning of the school year. 
  • Finally, our poll question asked what a possible measurement could be for an obtuse angle, which is an angle measuring in the range of 91 to 179 degrees. The answer was 135 degrees. A 67 degree angle would have been acute, while a 180 degree angle is known as a straight angle. 
Have a wonderful weekend!