Friday, March 30, 2012

Week 29

The Spring Break packet went home today. It is rather large and contains practice for days 1 and 3 in the ELA test and days 1, 2 and 3 in the Math test. The packet is optional but it was suggested in class that everyone try to do some of it. We will go over the multiple choice part of the ELA practice in class when we return on April 16.

Day 1 of the ELA is on April 17. It will be 90 minutes long with about 40 questions.
Day 2 of the ELA is on April 18. It will also be 90 minutes long with about 20 multiple choice questions, 3 short responses (graphic organizers or paragraph length responses) and 1 extended response (bullet points). The short and extended response will be about a passage that is read out loud to the students.
Day 3 of the ELA is on April 19. It will also be 90 minutes long and include two passages. Students will answer four short responses and one extended response.

As you can tell from the above description, pacing will be an important factor. Students have practiced in class with time limits. Our students are all capable readers and mathematicians and are practicing to keep a sustained effort throughout the 90 minutes.We have been careful to not rush and to take breaks in order to check our work.

Here's what else is happening next week:
  • We will be at the Armory on Tuesday.
  • The Music Concert will also be on April 3 at 6 pm. If your child is attending, please dress your child in a white top and black bottom. 
  • Spring Break begins Friday, April 6. 
Finally, the answer to our poll question (Which fraction is more than 1/2? ) is 5/6. Check out our new poll question!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Week 28

In the remaining two weeks before Spring Break, we are getting ready for the NYS Tests. In all of our test practice, we are learning to work carefully and to take our time with each task.

Here's what is happening next week:
  • We are starting out work in inquiry groups in Social Studies. Students have picked partners with common interest and are learning about colonial homes, food, medical practices, etc.
  • The unit 7 math test will take place on Wednesday.
  • The answer to the poll question (Another name for 3/4 ...) is 6/8. Please check out our new question.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 27

It was great seeing everyone at PTC. We had a good middle term and are now set to have a strong final term. Please remember to return your child's report card when you are done reviewing it.

Your child has a math game in his/ her folder that will be helpful with our fraction work. We've played it a few times in class. Please ask your child to teach the Equivalent Fractions game to you sometime.

Here's what to expect this upcoming week:

  • We made a quick poetry anthology and are now focusing most of our literacy time on test prep. While there are ways to navigate the test, all of that won't help unless the student is a good reader, therefore it is important for your child to keep up their independent reading. At home, it may be helpful to read for longer periods of time (45-60 minutes) to help build stamina. The writing that is on the test is similar to the work the children have been doing all year in their weekly reading response. It is important to make sure your child is reading the directions and answering the questions with text examples. The ELA test is now in three sessions. Each session can be up to 90 minutes long. The days are April 17, 18 and 19.
  • You'll notice that the math homework will contain a mixture of different topics. We are reviewing in preparation for the Math test, which takes place on April 25, 26, and 27. 
  • Ms. Hanson is also sending out a science packet today. It has information, a website and practice questions for the State Science test. This is not a test that factors into promotional criteria, but is included in a student's testing history.
On a different note, we are running low on facial tissues and would appreciate any donations. Thank you!

Have a happy weekend!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Week 26

Our Green Team is hard at work, spreading the message of conservation throughout the school. If you've been in the school building recently, you'll notice that some of the lights have been turned off during the day. This will help our school save electricity as we try to win $25,000 during the month of March.

Here's what to expect next week:

  • Report Cards will be given out on Monday.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Tuesday. There will be an early dismissal at 12 noon. Conferences will take place from 1-3 pm and 5:30-8 pm. 
  • We will attend the Book Fair on Monday at 11:30. 
The answer to the poll question is 3/6 which is another name for 1/2. 
Have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 25

March is here! We are now ending the second marking period and Parent Teacher Conferences will be on March 15th. Next week, a notice and sign up slip will go home so that we can schedule appointments. Please keep an eye out for it. Report cards will be given out on next Monday.

We would like to thank Mrs. Lewandowski for leading the March First Friday activity. We also have to thank the great set of parents, Mr. Pinciotti, Mrs. Tacconelli, Mrs. Treinen, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Wattenbarger,  who showed up to help our class plant seeds.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We are beginning the math unit on Fractions and Their Uses. This can be a challenging unit if students do not understand that fractions are numbers that show the relationship between parts and the parts needed to complete a whole. If your child is struggling with the concept of fractions, please check out the Sheppard Math Games link for some fun fraction games that give visual examples to practice with.
  • We are beginning the Explainers Video series. Please notice that there are two video on the left side. Click on them to watch our very own students explain some of the topics they are learning in class. The goal is that all children with video release forms will get to film a spot. The video release form was signed earlier at the beginning of the school year. 
  • Finally, our poll question asked what a possible measurement could be for an obtuse angle, which is an angle measuring in the range of 91 to 179 degrees. The answer was 135 degrees. A 67 degree angle would have been acute, while a 180 degree angle is known as a straight angle. 
Have a wonderful weekend!