Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 6

It was great to see how many parents came to our Curriculum Conference on Wednesday! It was all too brief but I hope the information was helpful. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please send a note with your child to me and I will do my best to answer it.

In regard to some concerns about math, please note that there is now a link on this website to the Everyday Math Website Mr. Havlik mentioned at the meeting. It is located under the Math links, labeled Everyday Math Homework Help. Mr. Havlik is also looking into ordering Take Home copies of the Student Reference book for our class.

Here are some events coming up for the week starting October 18:

  • School is closed on Monday for Columbus Day.
  • Our Personal Narratives were well received by the many parents who came to read our stories this First Friday! The next unit of writing will build on our narrative skills. We will make short Realistic Fiction stories. Children will work on developing a story with a plotline, believable characters and a moral.  We will  continue practicing our show not tell strategies, such as descriptive writing and using similes/metaphors to describe.
  • We also began a new unit in math today. This unit will focus on Numeration and Data, which includes exploring place value into the billions, and creating charts and line plots.
We have booked our first trip for October 20th. The fourth grade is going to a Festival of Cultures in Green Meadows Park to experience the culture of the Native People of New York.  Please send in your child's permission slip and admission if you have not already done so. Many thanks to the parents who have already replied and to those who have volunteered to be chaperones. I will contact you with more information about chaperone duty soon. 

Thank you very much for your support! Here are some pictures from our first Music class as we learn to read sheet music!
Have a fantastic weekend!