Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 3

During First Friday we spent our time exploring this blog. The kids enjoyed playing the math games and it gave me a chance to see how much math knowledge they already have. They also did a great job of sharing the laptops and working collaboratively. Thank you's go to all the parents who participated and assisted our children with finding the websites.
Here are some events to look forward to next week:
  • We will begin letter level testing. Most children are reading books at the letter levels that were provided to me by their third grade teachers. Hopefully, we will be able to get the whole class tested by the end of this month. At the end of each  child's session, I will recommend some strategies to the child. These strategies and your child's reading level will be recorded on the back of your child's Reading Notebook.
  • AIS (Extended Day Morning Program) will start on Tuesday. If your child was invited, please report to the lunch room before 8 am. I will pick up the group from there.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!