Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 24

Saturday school starts this week. Students who are participating will report to the Multi Media Room at 9 am and be dismissed from there at 12 noon. Ms. Kelly and Ms. Pattison will be teaching the sessions.

The girls received their green progress reports. Please look over and sign it for your daughters.

Here's what to expect this upcoming week:
* We've been working on researching by collection information in our nonfiction books. Students have collected dozens of facts on post its to sort and group so that they can form conclusions and theories based on the information they are learning about their many colonial topics. You'll notice that this week's reading log contains a response that requires the students to pick one of the topics they are becoming an expert on and write a mini report on it. Students were given the opportunity to do some of that work in class this week.
Ultimately, the class will take these strategies to create feature articles on a colonial topic. This work will continue throughout the weeks to come. We will also go over nonfiction reading strategies.

* Thank you to the participants in the Read-athon! Your participation and fundraising efforts are greatly appreciated.

*There were three Scholastic Book orders that went home over this week. If you are interested in ordering, please note that the due date is Thursday, March 10.

Have a great weekend.