Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 23

What awesome weather we're having! Fingers crossed that this will hold for a few days this recess.
The class was given a packet with some reading goals and some optional math work to do.

* Boys received a green progress report this week. Please review and sign your son's report.

* When we return we will begin a new reading unit around the content area of Social Studies. We will review nonfiction reading skills to start our research into topics in around the Colonial America theme. The goal is to have children become experts on a topic like colonial jobs or colonial schools.

* We will also begin a new writing unit, Feature articles, that ties in with our reading work. As children research a topic, they will write to present their knowledge and view points to an audience.

* We will have our Spelling test on Monday for the sort 5 words.

* We will soon be finished with unit 6 in Math. The test is tentatively scheduled for Friday.
Have a wonderful Mid Winter Break!