Here's what's happening next week:
- We are in our third week of our Shakespeare work. Students have received copies of our act of the play and we will begin assigning roles soon. Everyone will have a part in the play, whether they have a lot of lines or not. Some parts will not have a lot of lines but those parts will be heavier on physical comedy and movement. The focus of the program is to learn tools for presenting and focusing. In class, we have been reading and rereading Twelfth Night in order to understand the play and the characters in it. We will eventually move into book clubs to study some of Shakespeare's other works.
- Tuesday is an Armory day! Please dress appropriately for physical activity.
Please note that the Music Recital for fourth graders will be on May 22, at 6:30pm. It has been requested that students wear a white top and black bottom.
The culminating performance for our Shakespeare unit will be on June 13 at 9:30 am.
Have a wonderful weekend!