Friday, December 20, 2013

Week 16: Thank You!

Wowwee! I was stunned by the generous and sweet class gifts! It was a great way to start the holiday recess. Ms. Lopez and I would like to thank you all and Mrs. Soans especially for her efforts in coordinating the collection.
Have a wonderful holiday and be well. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, January 2.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 15: Happy Holidays!

We are entering the final week of school for 2013! Time flies so quickly!

Our thanks go out to the parents who came on our field trip this Thursday. Through frigid weather, and crowded trains, they went above and beyond to get our children to the museum and back. Leigh's dad, Roshi's mom, Zach's mom, Tyler's mom and Julia's mom were a great help!

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • The Unit 4 math test will take place on Thursday
  • There will be an optional homework packet with review work given out for families who want it to maintain a consistent learning habit. With many families traveling and entertaining, please don't feel any pressure to have to complete the packet. However, your child should make the effort to keep reading.
  • We will accompany Ms. Gamboi on a trip to the Prospect Park Zoo where we will dissect an owl pellet. This excursion will happen on Friday
  • We will have a holiday celebration on Friday. Please send you child in with a drink and a treat to share. Please avoid sending your child with soda as it goes against the school's healthy child initiative. 
Have a wonderful weekend with a safe and happy holiday!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Week 14

We have started an exciting new reading unit. This unit is Historical Fiction Book clubs with Nonfiction support. What that means is that your child will participate in a book club with other children who are reading the same book. The goal is for children to examine the characters and how they fit into a historical setting. To better understand the setting, children are also reading nonfiction texts that explain the era or issues of  the time period that their books are set in. Children have been setting goals for long they have to read daily and they are meeting in class to talk about what they have read in order to support of clarify each other's thinking.

You will notice that your child has one book for book club. If they finished their scheduled book club reading, children are advised to read the nonfiction companion piece or an independent book.

Here's what is happening next week:
  • We will head to the Armory on Tuesday. Please make sure your child is dressed for physical activity and wearing running shoes. 
  • Tuesday is also the last day to bring in pennies or change for Penny Harvest.
  • We will be going to the American Museum of Natural History by subway on Thursday. Chaperones will receive letters on Monday with more details about our trip. 
Finally, we would like to thank the parents who came to present this Family Friday. Mrs. Soans and Mrs. Badner brought our published recipe book for us to preview. The books will be up for auction at tomorrow's Winter Fair. We were also treated to some special family memories shared by Matthew's aunt. Thank you all for everything you do!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Week Twelve: Happy Hanukkah and Happy Thanksgiving!

Test folders went home today with the unit 2 and unit 3 math test. Please keep an eye out for the red test folder.
We have a short but action-packed week coming up:

  • On Monday, Roshi's mom will come in to help our students create a page for the Winter Fair project. Our families have been asked to contribute recipes to make a class cookbook. If you have not already done so, please send in a recipe for this project!
  • We will also meet with our Buddies Class on Monday afternoon!
  • We will visit the Armory on Tuesday. Please make sure your child is dressed for physical activity. 
  • Also on Tuesday afternoon, we will have our Native American Thanksgiving. By now you have seen the letters asking for contributions so we can make a soup and a fruit drink. Thank you all for donating and responding quickly!
  • On Wednesday, we will head over to the College of Staten Island Art Center to watch the Thunderbird Native American Dancers
  • Schools will be closed on Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. We want to wish all our families a happy and festive feast and Happy Hanukkah,  too.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 11

 It was great to see many families at Parent Teacher Conferences. Speaking with you made me feel supported in the hard works we are doing this year. Thank you all for your insight and questions. In addition, it was very sweet for many families and students to buy books for our class library!

One question that came up was about getting resources to help with our new math program. Please be on the look out for an informal reference guide that will go home beginning with each new unit. Your child will have it in the math homework book. The important lessons are laid out with a strategy given step by step. The current unit is coming to an end this week and there will be a math test on Tuesday. Please keep an eye out for a study sheet that can be used to review for the upcoming test. Below is a class chart for a multiplication problem involving algebra (at least that was how we learned it when we were in Middle School) that appears on the test prep page from Thursday's homework.

Here's what is happening next week: 
  • The Unit Three math test will be given on Tuesday. The unit two test was graded a while ago but  held onto for parent teacher conferences. I will send home both test at the end of next week. Thank you for your patience!
  • I will be out on Wednesday to attend a workshop at Teacher's College. 
  • There will be a Music Assembly on Wednesday. 
  • We will begin Unit 4 in Math. This unit will focus on division facts and dividing larger factors with a single digit divisor. 
Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Week Ten: End of First Marking Period

Report cards will be given out Wednesday of next week. Many of you have turned in your requests for a Parent Teacher Conference and have received a notice informing you of the time of your appointment. Thank you for sending in your responses quickly. 

This week we began our music program and the kids had a great time singing and playing the ukelele. Our teacher, Mr. Kiah, led us through some singing and basics of ukelele care. We also learned about the parts of a ukelele. Music will take place every Wednesday from now on. 

Finally, we want to thank Ms. Hudgins for taking us into the garden and showing us how to harvest and compost last Tuesday. We had a great time!

Here's what to expect next week:
  • Schools are closed due to Veterans Day on Monday.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday from 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm and then resume at 5:30pm- 7:50pm. Students will be dismissed at noon. 
  • We will visit the Book Fair at 11:15 on Wednesday.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Photos from Week 8



Week 9

Presenting at Old Stone House
This Family Friday featured Ms. Tyler (Emily's mom), who came in to share her expertise in advertising with our students. The class was challenged to think about the  purpose of the commercials and ads we see everyday and think critically about the intent of the authors. Thank you for sharing this with us, Ms.
Here's what to expect next week:
  • There will be a math test on Monday. Unit 2 content (multiplication) will be tested. We had a review in class. Please help your child study by going over the times table so that calculations become more accurate.
  • Picture Day is Monday! We will have our pictures taken at 12, right before lunch. 
  • Students do not report to school on Tuesday. 
  • We will start music class on Wednesday!
The first marking period will come to a close by the end of next week. Please expect a form regarding Parent Teacher conferences. Please be aware that the meeting be an average of ten minutes long. 

Have a great weekend!
Native Americans used arrows
Fishing with nets

Telling the Origin of Corn story

Friday, October 25, 2013

Week 8: Multiplication Strategies

We've been working on multiplication strategies to help children get better at doing multiplication mentally. Some children found these strategies challenging but we'll continue to practice. These strategies are meant to help speed up the math work but ultimately, students must choose a strategy that helps them arrive at the right answer. Here is a breakdown of the strategies we've tried:

Multiplication Strategies for Faster Mental Math
Partial Products Method
Using the expanded form of the factors and the distributive property, we break down the factors into a set of easier to solve questions. The product of these parts are then added together to get a final product.
Ex)  345 X 8 =
      (300+ 40+ 5) X 8=
      (300 X 8) + (40 X 8) + (5 X 8) =
       2400 + 320 + 40 = 2760

Associative Property
When given three or more factors, group together factors that result in products that are friendlier numbers.
Ex)  5 X 18 X 2 = (5 X 2) X 18= 10 X 18 = 180

Subtraction Property
A factor is changed into a friendlier number through rounding up.  This factor is renamed into a number expression using subtraction. Using the distributive property, multiply the parts of the number sentence then subtract the partial products to get the final answer.
Ex)  48 X 7 =
      (50 – 2) X 7=
      (50 x 7) – (2 X 7) =
       350 – 14 = 336

Addition Property
A factor is changed into a friendlier number through rounding down.  This factor is renamed into a number expression using addition. Using the distributive property, multiply the parts of the number sentence then subtract the partial products to get the final answer. This is very similar to the partial product method. 
Ex)  48 X 7 =
      (40 + 8) X 7=
      (40 x 7) + (8 X 7) =
       280 + 56 = 336

Halving and Doubling
A factor is split in half so that it creates an easier to solve fact. Double the partial product to get the final product.
Ex) 16 X 25 =
     (8+ 8) X 25=
     (8 X 25) + (8 X 25) = 200 + 200 = 400 

Here's what is happening next week:

  • We are meeting our Caring School Communities Buddies on Monday! We are partnering with Ms. Varriale's and Ms. Luo class 2-203. We'll also have buddies PE with them on Wednesday.
  • We are starting our writing units on Personal and Persuasive Essays. Students have reviewed the five paragraph essay structure and we've used the boxes and bullets outline format to plan our essays. This year, we will focus on making out thesis more universal and using transition words to communicate our points more effectively. 
  • We have also begun our study of the Native Americans of New York. We will focus our studies on the Iroquois and Algonquian tribes. 
Finally, my thanks go out to the parents who came to Old Stone House with us. Mrs. Knowles, Mr. Marquez, Mrs. Hudgins, Mrs. Dekel, Ms. Tyler ,and Mr. Soans were awesome facilitators. They really helped make the trip a successful learning experience! I will publish some pictures in an upcoming post. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Week 7

We've been working on multiplication since the previous week and although the children are doing well in learning to work with multi-digit factors, there is a need to go over the times table. In addition to practicing facts with the kids in class, it would be helpful to practice at home. The four, six, seven and eight times table especially require more practice.
For  extra practice, please use the IXL Fourth Grade Games link. Games D1. D2, D5, D6, D7, and D8 are especially helpful. The Multiplication Games link is also an option.

Here's what is happening next week:
  • We will visit the Armory on Tuesday. Please make sure your child is wearing clothing for physical activity and sneakers.
  • We will also be visiting The Old Stone House on Thursday. We will be back in time for lunch at school so you do not need to pack a lunch for the trip. Parents who volunteered as chaperones should have received a letter last Friday with instructions for trip day.
Finally, we had our curriculum conference on Tuesday and I want to thank the parents who patiently sat through a technology snafu. We talked a bit about the Core Curriculum and the changes it will create in what is expected of our children and how they will be assessed. The time for the meeting was nowhere near enough to fully explain the school year. I will do my best to keep you updated here on this blog.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Week 6

Students received their math tests this afternoon. Please go over your child's test and if necessary, review some of the questions.

Over this long weekend, students will need to complete their reading response for Tuesday. Also, we are entering the publishing stage in writing workshop and many students took home their Realistic Fiction stories to finish drafting on yellow paper. There is an accompanying checklist to help students review their story and perhaps revise in order to better meet the requirements of the assignment.  The entire final published draft will be due on Friday of next week and students will work on putting together the final draft in class and for homework next week.

Here's what's happening next week:

  • Schools are closed on Monday due to Columbus Day.
  • Our curriculum conference will be on Tuesday. Please join me at 8 am in room 303.
  • I will attend a workshop on Wednesday so there will be a substitute teacher with the class. 
Have a great long weekend!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Week 5

Our first month of school is over and we've completed half of the first marking period! Wow, how quickly time flies.

Our curriculum conference will be on October 15th. Please join me at 8 am in room 303 as we discuss the upcoming year. Please note that this date is different than the conference date of the other fourth grade class as I will be attending a math workshop on the 16th. 

It was great to see many parents at our Family Friday. We spent sometime exploring some of the math games on this blog and it gave the class some extra study time for our very first math test today. For future Family Fridays, it would be great to have a presenter from our families. A letter went out last week listing the dates of the upcoming Family Fridays. Please look over it and see if you would be interested in presenting on one of the dates. If you don't have the letter, you can contact me via note and I will get back to you soon.

Here's what is happening next week:

  • We begin Unit 2 in math. This unit will focus on multiplication with a single digit factor. 
  • We are ending our work on Realistic Fiction reading next week. Our next unit will be Nonfiction.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 4

My thanks go out to all the parents who took the time to make salt dough, send in trip/art/ subscription money, sign reading logs and homework sheets (among other things) this week. Your attention to these matters really help your child stay up to date!

There have been a few birthdays this week. The class procedure for personal celebrations is to send in a note to me so that I can let you know if we have time on a given day. Celebrations should consists of a treat that can be enjoyed by everyone. Please keep in mind that we have kids with allergies to nuts, wheat, etc. The donation of a book can be a great choice!

Here's what is coming up next week:

  • We will have our first Family Friday on October 4. As of now we have no scheduled presenter. If you are interested in sharing a talent or experience with the class, please fill out and return the letter that is in your child's homework folder today. 
  • We will have our curriculum conference on October 15 instead of the 16th that was listed for the rest of the fourth grade. I will be at a math workshop on the 16th.
Have a lovely weekend!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 3

Field trips are an enhancement to the learning we do in class. Today, your child will have some permission slips for some trips we will be taking in upcoming months. Please be aware that these trips require a deposit, which is why I am asking for the money so early. Please send the complete permission slip and admissions money as soon as possible next week.

We've finally gotten our Go Math workbooks! The new workbooks reflect the changes in the Core Curriculum. One major difference is the expectation that children learn math vocabulary (which wasn't a strong emphasis in the Everyday Math program). Our students will need some time to adjust and I thank you for helping your child. 

Here's something to keep in mind for next week:
  • Your child will turn in the green reading response sheet s/he has been working on this week. Some students have asked if they can add more pages if they run out of room. One sheet more should be enough, anymore can run the risk of a child not fully thinking about what is most important in the summary. You can support your child by encouraging good capitalization practices and avoiding run on sentences as well as listening to the response to hear if it makes sense.
  • Extended Day classes begin on Tuesday. If your child has received an invitation to come for extra instruction, please have your child come to school by 8 am. Breakfast will be served earlier is you would like for your child to participate in that.
  • Please check your child's homework folder this weekend. There will be a brief comment on this week's sheet with my initial observations of your child's behavior during these first two weeks. 
  • Scholastic Book orders can be placed online. If you use the Guided Reading link on this blog, you can access the Scholastic website. Our class code is HHRTL. I have received some book orders and will enter them on Sunday. If you are interested in ordering please do so through the website before then. 
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week 2

It has been a pleasure meeting or reacquainting myself with the 4-303 families! This first week of school gave us an opportunity to establish routines and get to know each other better. Most of the work so far has been given to help assess where the children are at in terms of their learning. The children in this class have been extremely sweet and cooperative, patiently listening to many new directions and procedures. Their good listening skills will be bonus as we continue our learning this year!

As you've no doubt noticed, your child has a homework folder, preloaded with weekly homework sheets. We have established a routine for your child to copy the daily assignments in the space provided. As your child completes an assignment, s/he can check off the box next the assignment. Please encourage this habit so it is less likely assignments are "forgotten". Please look over the sheet at the end of the week to check in on your child's homework routine and sign the bottom of the sheet.

On the bottom of the sheet is a space where I will begin placing comments on your child's school week, starting next week. Usually, this will be a brief blurb just to let you know of some of your child's successes or concerns in school.

We have been working on learning capitalization rules. In class, we are using the MINTS mnemonic to help us remember common uses of capital letters. If you look on the left side of this blog, underneath the calendar, you will find a PREZI that further explores the MINTS mnemonic. There are some slight differences in PREZI but the information is accurate and interactive. Please encourage your child to view it.

Here's what's happening next week:
  • We will receive our new Math books! We are using the GO Math program which will help us to better meet the standards of the Core Curriculum. We are currently working on Place Value concepts. Your child can play Math Games with these concepts if you click on the Fourth grade iXL link and play games A1, A2 or A3 under  the NUMBER SENSE section.
  • This first week, students have been working on keeping up their reading logs, entering information to keep track of their reading pace.  Next week, they will begin writing extended responses for their independent book. You will notice that the reading log sheet for week 2 will have an assignment printed in the back with an abbreviated rubric. We have been practicing writing about ideas from a book and summaries in class so that your child can do this independently.
  • If you have not already done so, please send in the $5.00 National Geographic subscription money and the $2.50 Art class fee. This was added in the supply letter that went home in the third grade report card and in the summer letter.
  • Please note that the children will come up to class by themselves starting on Monday. They will be expected to meet at the school yard, where they will be sent upstairs at 8: 38. In case of rainy weather, students will meet in the MMR. Dismissal will still be at Sherman Street. 
Thank you for all your support this week! I appreciate your efforts to send in supplies, fill out numerous forms, and provided lots of helpful information. Please feel free to talk to me at dismissal or send a note in if you have any questions.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

2013- 2014 School Year Begins Soon!

Welcome to class 4-303's blog!

We will begin the new year on Monday, September 9th. This will be an exciting year with many changes to our school. Our staff has been working hard to prepare for the new routines and curricula that will be implemented this year. It would be extremely beneficial for families to keep up to date by checking in with this blog or our school website routinely.

This blog is updated once a week on Fridays. Most posts will list interesting events that our class will participate in such as trips, special speakers, math tests, etc. There are also some interesting links to sites that supplement the learning we do in class.

As the summer winds down, I hope you are enjoying the wonderful weather. Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Til' September...

This year has really flown by and we now get to enjoy a fantastic summer recess. I want to thank you all for the spectacular class gifts and the various other treats from many families. Your generosity knows no bounds!

We've discussed summer reading plans in class and your child knows that the blog games will be available to them the whole vacation. These are some suggestions for warding off the summer lag that might occur with students in September. Many students will engage in new learning experience through travel, camp, and interactions with others, which will also help. Hopefully, everyone will have fun!

Take care and have an amazing recess! See you in September!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Week 40: Last Week :(

The final days of Fourth Grade are coming! It's been year of tremendous growth and challenges, with all of us deserving a well earned rest afterwards. The year seems to have flown by!

I want to thank you all for the great class gifts. It is always touching to be acknowledged in such a generous way. My best wishes to you all for the future!

Here's what is happening next week:

  • On Monday, we will have a parent volunteer visiting us to encourage enrollment in the public library. If your child is not a member, please consider joining. Summer reading is a great way to counteract the September delays that children experience when they fall out of academic routines. 
  • On Tuesday, we will have an end of the year celebration. Your child a drink and a treat to share with others in the class.
  • Wednesday is the last day of school and dismissal will be at noon. Report cards will be given out that day. If your child is not able to attend, please pick up the report card from the main office after 12 noon. You may also send a stamped self addressed envelop so the report card can be forwarded to you.
Have a beautiful weekend!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Week 39

The Shakespeare play was a wonderful success! Given that we were still adjusting to the new venue, it was amazing how the kids just acted their roles brilliantly and improvised when things did not go the way we had rehearsed it. Bravo to our students for their amazing work and the families who support them!

This week will be the last full week of school and as the year winds down, you'll notice that there is less homework. There will be no reading response for next week, for example.  While the work load is decreasing, please check your child's book bag daily for supplies that are being sent back. Starting monday, we will begin bringing back unused supplies, then old work books, etc. In return, please check your homes for any classroom library books that need to be returned.

Here's what's happening next week:

  • Field Day will take place on Tuesday. Please make sure you follow the guidelines from the permission slip on what to bring. I also recommend that children do not bring anything they cannot bear to part with as property is often left unattended at the park. 
  • I will be out of the classroom on Wednesday for meetings. There will be a substitute teacher with the class.
  • The Staff versus Fifth Graders Kickball game will be on Thursday at 1:00pm. Snacks and refreshments will be sold. Please send your child to school with sunscreen or hat and a towel to sit on. 
  • We will visit the Community Garden on Friday for some harvesting. Please dress your child for working in the with clothing you don't mind getting dirty.
Have a lovely weekend!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Week 38

The Shakespeare play is here! After some off stage drama with the MMR, we are set for our performance. Please join us on June 13th, at 9:30 am Thursday for our version of Twelfth Night!!

Here's what to expect for next week:
  • There is a clerical half day this Monday. Students will be dismissed at 12.
  • Wednesday will be a dress rehearsal for our show. Students will need to be dressed as they would be for the actual performance. They will receive a tunic to wear over the t-shirts, etc.
  •  Thursday is the big day!!! Our play is at 9:30am and we will begin seating at 9:25am. Please also make sure your child is dressed for the performance. The performance will be about 40 minutes long. 
  • There will be a substitute teacher on Friday as I meet with the other fourth grade teachers for planning. 
Have a cozy weekend!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Week 37

We are closing fast on the final days of school but before we bid farewell to the fourth grade, there are some big events coming! We will take our final State exam on Monday. The Science test will have multiple choice and short answers. It will not count towards promotional criteria but is included in your child's testing history. We are also heading into the home stretch for our Shakespeare program. We will perform the comedy, Twelfth Night, on Thursday June 13.

As we begin the process of ending the school year, please look through your home to make sure any books borrowed from our class is returned within the next weeks.

Here's what's happening next week:
  • We will take the written portion of the NYS Science test. This exam will be administered in the classroom. Please make sure your child arrives on time. The test will start at 9:00am. 
  • Wednesday will be the last day of Extended Day morning class. If your child participates in this, they will not have to report to class at 8 am after Wednesday.
  • June 6th is Brooklyn Queens Day. Students will not report to school that day. 
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 36

Music Concert, May 22

The concert on Wednesday was delightful! In my unbiased opinion, our kids were fantastic and easily my favorite performance of the night!

Here's what to expect for next week: 
  • Schools are closed on Monday for Memorial Day.
  • Please continue to send in any shirts and items of clothing we can use for the Shakespeare play.
  • The Science fair starts on Thursday. Your child's project is due in the MMr on Thursday morning.
Have a great long weekend!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Week 35

We are in full swing with our Shakespeare production! My thanks to all of you who swiftly offered to help and donated your time and materials when the letter for volunteers went out. Once I've received your letter, I will notify you with more details!

Please go through your child's homework folder with your child. There are many folders that are filled with homework and notices from many weeks ago. There was a new science packet from Mrs. David with practice for the upcoming science tests.

Here's what to expect next week:

  • The Science Manipulatives test will take place next week. This test will include hands on experiments. Mrs. David will take small groups (not the whole class) to the science lab to work on this. Your child will be scheduled for a specific day. Once I receive the schedule, I will let the children know what day they will need to be at the science lab. 
  • We are going to meet with our Shakespeare teaching artist two times a week instead of once. Rehearsals will begin in earnest. Children have to memorize their lines and practice their  physicality and stage entrances. 
  • We will begin Shakespeare Book Clubs and your child's reading response next week will be based on that. It will not take them a full week of reading to go through the story, so it is important your child keeps reading chapter books at their level. 
Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Week 34

This has been such a wonderful way to cap off the week! Thank you all for the lovely cards, treats and flowers on Teacher Appreciation Day. The kids have been very sweet and I really got a sense that they were making this the best day!

We have cast our Shakespeare play and the kids were really supportive of each other, whether they got the role they wanted or not. It showed a great deal of maturity and good sportsmanship on their part. It is an exciting project and every child will be actively involved in all our workshops and rehearsals.
Working on  a salt dough map of the Thirteen Colonies

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • There will be a lot of meetings I have to attend during class time next week. All teachers are working on Exemplars training so that we can better help our students meet the challenges of this rigorous new curriculum. You may hear from your child that there is a substitute in the class but they will work on independent assignments and projects during that time.
  • Jacqueline Woodson, an award winning author (The Other Side, Each Kindness) will be here on Thursday! We've been waiting  one time for this and our children have read many of her picture books with great excitement. 
  • We have our last music class this week. The music concert will be on May 22 at 6:30pm. A notice went home today with final instructions from the music teacher regarding dress and where the children will meet as they get ready to perform. They sound great!
We want to wish all the amazing ladies and caretakers in our lives a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Have a marvelous weekend!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Week 33

Thanks to the many parents who came to Family Fridays today, we were able to make our recyclable craft. Our fourth graders did a great job of showing their buddies how to make a pom pom and a tube noise maker.

Here's what's happening next week:

  • We are in our third week of our Shakespeare work. Students have received copies of our act of the play and we will begin assigning roles soon. Everyone will have a part in the play, whether they have a lot of lines or not. Some parts will not have a lot of lines but those parts will be heavier on physical comedy and movement. The focus of the program is to learn tools for presenting and focusing.  In class, we have been reading and rereading Twelfth Night in order to understand the play and the characters in it. We will eventually move into book clubs to study some of Shakespeare's other works.
  • Tuesday is an Armory day! Please dress appropriately for physical activity. 
Please note that the Music Recital for fourth graders will be on May 22, at 6:30pm. It has been requested that students wear a white top and black bottom. 
The culminating performance for our Shakespeare unit will be on June 13 at 9:30 am

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 32

Now that the English and Math tests are over, we'll return to our normal routines. Test prep books will be sent home next week. Due to it's massive size, not all of it is complete. The books can be used during the summer to provide review for your child, or recycled. Our focus for this final marking period is to keep learning in preparation for the eventual move to the fifth grade.

We still have NYS Science exam later in the year. Mrs. David is sending home test packets for practice. This test is a part of your child's testing history but will not be counted towards promotional criteria. Science Fair project proposals were also given out this week. They are due to Mrs. David on May 6th.

We've got an exciting Shakespeare project in the works and families are invited to see the culminating show on June 13th, 9:25 am. Mark the date on your calendar!

There is a Barnes and Noble Book Fair that we have submitted a wish list for. The wish list contains books we would like to have in the classroom to support our Shakespeare work. Please consider donating one of these books to the class. Your child has a flier for the event at the Seventh Avenue Park Slope Barnes &Noble. If you would like to purchase online,  go to and enter Bookfair ID 11079340 at checkout. Thank you!

Here's what to expect next week:
  • Your child will need a 9X14 piece of cardboard for our salt dough project this Monday. 
  • We are going to work with the Katy, the Paper Lady, on Tuesday. She will teach us how to make paper. In preparation for this hands on activity, please send your child with a smock to protect his/her clothing. An oversized T-shirt will also serve this purpose.
  • I will be at a Teacher's College workshop on Wednesday and there will be a substitute teacher for the class.
  • We are headed to the Brooklyn Museum on Thursday. If you have not already done so, please send in the permission slip and the admission of $3. 
  • Family Friday will focus on Earth Day. We are making a recycled craft (details forthcoming) with our Buddies in Ms. Witkowski and Ms. Sheehan's class. 
Finally, apologies for the mistake in last week's post. There was no Armory date on Tuesday. Our next Armory visit will be on May 7th.

Have a wonderful, test prep free weekend!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Week 31

Whew! The ELA test is over and we are ready to focus on the Math test!
The Math test will take place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We have been reviewing the concepts and math skills taught earlier in the year in preparation for this. To help your child with a low stress review, you can check the games on our blog in the Sheppard Math Link or the IXL games. Games that require multiplication and division will be most helpful.
Here's what's happening next week:

  • We will start our Shakespeare Theater Arts program on Monday. The fourth grade will study the play Twelfth Night. There will be a performance for families on June 13 at 9:30 am.
  • We are headed to the Armory on Tuesday.
  • The NYS Math test will take place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Have a restful weekend!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 30

The NY State English Language Arts exam will take place next week. We've worked very hard to best prepare for this important exam. Our students have practiced the strategies as best as they can and have shown that they can do well. 
Please keep in mind the following as we enter the home stretch:
  • Help your child be well rested. Keep up your normal routines, especially bedtimes.
  • Be on time for school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. If there have been instances of lateness in the past, please plan ahead and come to school a little earlier than usual. 
  • Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast. Avoid overly sugary foods.
  • Encourage your child to do their best instead of encouraging he or she to score a specific grade. The test is only a part of the promotional criteria.

Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 29

Welcome back!
We are entering the final week before the Statewide ELA test. We are working on making our reading, writing and math habits the strongest they can so that we do our very best on this assessment and the math test during the following week. Many students have brought back a completed packet (WOW!) from the Spring Recess. We have reviewed the ELA portion of the packet and many of the students did well, with most students getting 30+ questions correct out of the 42 multiple choice questions given.

The writing part will be collected and treated as this week's reading response. We will go over the math portion on Monday.

There seems to be a horrible strand of flu going around. With the pressure of the upcoming test, please keep in mind that it will not be worth it in the long run to send a sick child to school. It is important that we be well rested in order to do our very best. During this upcoming week, try to stick to bedtime schedules so that your child can get enough rest. Good physical activity will also help your child de-stress.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We are headed to the Armory on Tuesday. Please have your child wear clothing suitable for physical activity.
  • We will drop by the Community Garden on Thursday to plant our vegetables. Please had your child be dressed for working outside. 
  • A trip form went home for an excursion to the Brooklyn Museum. Please sign and send in the admission fee as soon as you can. 
Finally, our thanks to the parents who came by during Family Friday. We demonstrated how a fitness break is incorporated into our school day and we were especially happy that our audience participated in the exercises with us. Great job, everyone!

Have a lovely spring weekend!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 28

On Thursday, each child received a rather sizable packet of test prep materials. As stated on the cover, it has to brought back on Friday, April 5. With many families already committed to travel and engagements, it is understood that some children will not be able to complete the whole packet. The class has already begun some work on it as of Thursday. The plan is to review it the week after we return from vacation so that we can give feedback to students before the actual ELA and Math test. If your child is struggling with a particular question, please remind him/ her to make a "best guess" and then mark the question with a star so that we can be sure to focus on it during review.

We also want to thank the moms who came with us to Wyckoff Farmhouse. It was a fabulous interactive experience which left our students wanting more!

Have a safe and happy Spring Recess! School resumes Wednesday, April 3.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 27

My thanks to everyone who came to Parent Teacher Conferences on a rainy Tuesday. Your comments and support are appreciated and it was great to chat.

Test prep was a frequent topic of conversation. Our class has begun looking at some practical test taking strategies and this Friday, we took a mock test for day one of the ELA. Our students got the opportunity to work under test conditions on a timed task. They worked very carefully and were excellent patient test takers!

Here's what to expect next week:

  • We will take a trip to Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum on Thursday. We expect to be back by lunchtime. 
  • We will have our Unit 7 Math test on Friday. This test will focus on fractions. The Unit 6 test was graded and many parents saw the results during PTC. Children will bring that test home along with the Unit 7 test after Spring Break. 
Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 26

It's already time for the second round of report cards! Please be aware that the third marking period has begun and we are heading towards a busy time in our year. Test preparation has begun in the classroom  and with it, some anxieties might arise. In class, we have discussed how the work we've down throughout the year is helping prepare us to do our best on these assessments. It is also important to keep reminding ourselves that the test is not the only criteria for success and that students can do well in class, too. It is important for students to remember that what they do everyday can help them be successful.
ADDENDUM: The third optional test packet is available this week. I placed a copy of it on the desks of students who's family families requested it on Friday afternoon. Your child should bring it to you if they attend Saturday school tomorrow.

Scholastic Book orders were collected today. If you would like to order you still can if you go to the Scholastic website You can access it with this blog's Guided Reading link or go to Our class's online code is HHRTL.

Here's what's happening next week:

  • Report cards will be given out on Monday.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Tuesday. Afternoon conferences will be from 1:00- 3:00. Evening conferences will start at 5:30 and end by 8:00. Check your child's homework folder for your appointment time. 
  • Tuesday will be a half day due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12. Any child not picked up by then will be brought to the Multi Media Room. 
  • Ms. Ussery will have the class participate in PACERS on Wednesday. Please make sure your child is dressed for physical activity.
Have a safe and warm weekend!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 25

Congratulations to our class for having the most minutes read in the fourth grade for our school Readathon!!! Students who turned in their logs received a certificate for participating. Our thanks to the parents that helped keep track of all the minutes we read.

We were also fortunate to have a Family Friday with lots of parents coming in to plant! Our children loved working with the seeds and are anticipating the first sprouts. Fingers crossed for a successful germination! Thank you's to our great family volunteers!

There will be Saturday Test prep tomorrow. Please send your child with a snack. Class begins at 9am and dismissal is at 12 noon.

Here's what to expect for next week:
  • There will be a change in the weekly reading response. There will be a test prep extended response given out in its place. Students are still responsible for reading an independent text to keep up their stamina and fantasy work. For the assignment, students will work on reading two texts and writing a response using information from both text.
  • There will be a Spelling test on Monday and the Unit 6 Math test on Tuesday.
  • Armory visits resume on Tuesday!
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place Tuesday, March 12. Your child has received a PTC appointment request sheet this last Tuesday. Please return it soon so we can set up a time that is most convenient for you.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 24

The second optional test prep packet went home today to families who returned the request slip. With Saturday school starting this week, this packet could be used as extra support for learning main idea and vocabulary skills if needed.

Here's what to expect next week:

  • Due to many absences this week, we will launch Fantasy Book Clubs next week. The goals remain the same as the ones outlined on the previous post. The class is really enjoying this unit and they had so many observant things to say after "reading" Nanny McPhee. They were able to discuss themes and symbols found in the movie. 
  • Ms. Ussery will have our class complete a second round of PACERs. These are a series of physical activities to test your child's fitness. Our class will have this on Wednesday so please dress your child for physical activity. 
  • We have a Family Friday session this upcoming week. As of now there are no presenters. Please let me know if you are interested in presenting to our class.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 23

We have a new student in our class! Our children have been very welcoming and have gone the extra mile to help her adjust to our class.

We have begun talking about how the skills we learn in our everyday lessons transfer to test taking. One of the major points to emphasize is reading directions, understanding them and then following them. Please help reinforce this with your child in everyday situations.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • Due to the disruption of Hurricane Sandy, Mid Winters Recess is now Mid Winters Weekend. Schools will be closed on Monday and Tuesday. Students are expected to keep up their reading and have received next weeks reading response sheet. Please keep in mind that next week is the last week of the Readathon, so keep logging in those times!
  • We will begin Fantasy Book Clubs next week. Book clubs are a great way for kids to become a community of readers as they meet to discuss and common text. Through discussion, they share ideas and expand on thoughts they have about the themes and important moments in their stories.  We will also focus on setting common goals for our reading and learning how to listen when working in a group.
  • In Math, we have worked on both the traditional method of division and the partial quotients method found in Everyday Math. Once again, students shave been advised to pick a strategy that works for them whenever they encounter these division problems. 
Have a wonderful long weekend!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Week 22

Saturday Test Prep has been cancelled due to the snow storm. The next session is on Feb. 23rd.

The unit 5 math test has been returned to your child. Please look over the test and review anything that may be an issue with your child. We will continue to work on the elapsed time questions, which seemed to give many kids problems. 

Due to the bus strike, many class trips have been cancelled throughout the city. We are still on for Wyckoff Farm house but that nay change if the strike isn't resolved. 

Here's what to expect for next week:
  • We are beginning our writing unit on Literary Essays. By now, students have experience with the essay format. The new challenge is to write effectively about a story they have read. This will go beyond retelling. The essay will focus on themes and interpretation of stories as well as telling how the themes of the story connect to our world.
  • It's week two of the Readathon! Students have been told daily how many minutes to log in for school reading. Please remind your child to log in the time spent reading at home. 
  • I will be at a Teachers College Workshop on Tuesday. There will be a substitute teacher for Tuesday.
Have a cozy weekend! Happy Lunar New Year!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 21

We had a great Family Friday! Helena's dad came in to talk to us about a career in publishing! We discovered that the work we did in Writing Workshop could be a career :) Thank you to Mr. Tipper and all the parents who attended this session!

Each child received an optional packet of test prep materials this Friday. There was also a letter explaining the purpose. Please take a moment to review the packet, then sign and return the tear off.

Here's what's coming up next week:
  • In reading, we will begin our unit on Fantasy. This exciting unit will focus on the archetypes of the genres and through reading fantasy, our  children will explore themes and messages these stories present. We have begun a read aloud of the historical fantasy novel George Washington's Socks by Elvira Woodruff. This novel contains many elements of the genre: a flawed hero, sidekicks, magic and a quest. 
  • In Math, we will shift our focus from Multiplication to Division. Students will learn two strategies for long division. Please continue to work with your child in mastering the multiplication/ division facts. 
  • The Unit 5 math test will be return midweek. We are waiting for some absentees to take the test. Thanks for your patience!
  • We are still waiting for a decision on our scheduled trip to the Armory. Due to the bus strike, we might walk over to the armory weather permits on Tuesday. 
There is a new video starring Lucas and Ryan. Please check it out!!!

ADDENDUM: Our annual Read-a-thon will start this week! This yearly fundraiser is a great way to help our school keep up its many enrichments. Please check your child's folder for the sponsor sheet.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 20

We are moving towards the start of test prep classes on Feb 9th. Thank you for your swift response! While the test prep program will help give tips on how to take the NYS tests, the best preparation is to have good reading and writing skills, which we work on daily.  Please encourage your child to keep up their independent reading books. At this point, your child should aim to read for 45 minutes every night.
If you haven't yet, please check out our new Kid Video featuring Chanique and Flavia!

Here's what is happening next week:

  • We will have the Unit 5 math test on Thursday. Students will receive a study sheet on Tuesday to help guide their review. Since most of the test will focus on multiplication, it would be a good idea to practice multiplication facts and their extensions (i.e. 7 x 8= _____ so  70 X 80 = _____).
Have a warm weekend!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 19

We have a new video posted to our class Youtube channel starring Abigail Chanique and Flavia. Please check it out this weekend!

Our longhouse model is complete!
Here's what's happening next week:
  • School is closed this Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
  • We are starting our new social studies unit on Explorers. In this unit we will examine the reasons that drove explorers to seek out new routes and how it led to the discovery and settlement of America. We will also examine the interaction between the explorers and the Native Americans. 
Have a great weekend and enjoy these scenes from our long house!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Week 18

Every students received a form on Thursday regarding Saturday Test Prep. Please return this form indicating whether or not your child will attend as soon as possible.

We've been enjoying the great material sent in by our generous families for our Longhouse Project.  The students have been creating accurate scenes of life in an Iroquois home. The writing we've been doing from our research has been coming along so well, we are quickly publishing it as a museum guide book!

Here's what's coming next week:

  • We are starting Unit 5 in math. The unit will revisit multiplication algorithms with amounts up to the thousands. Students will learn to use the lattice method and partial product method. There are short videos on the Everyday Math Algorithm link that will help familiarize you to the methods. We will also learn about the standard multiplication algorithm. Students will choose the method that best works for them. This unit will also revisit estimation and exponential notation.
  • The unit 4 math test will be returned to your child on Monday.  
  • Our Reading unit this month will be Nonfiction Research Book Clubs. Students will learn to drive their own reading progress by getting together with others to explore a topic of interest. Students will set goals for reading and gathering information and learn how to share information. We've been working on Nonfiction strategies for a while and students are expected use them as they teach themselves about Immigration, Modernization, Equal Rights Movements, or American Governments.
  • Finally, we are leaving Native Americans and moving onto the Age of Exploration. We will examine the reasons that drove Europeans to seek out new lands and learn about some of the explorers of New York. 
  • Mrs. David, our science teacher has prepared a test prep packet for the Statewide Science exam that will take place in June. Please keep an eye out for it when it is given out on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Week 17

Happy New Year to all!
We had a nice start to 2013 with many students coming back rested and ready for the new year. Many students have set goals to do even better this year.

Family Friday was exciting as we had professional actors (Bellamy's family) come share their craft with us. Students worked on skits based on one of the five rules in our school's community code. Many parents came and offered their sage advice as our students worked out the details of their skit. The skits will be performed for our buddy class and some students are choosing to present theirs to the rest of the school during a special assembly. There will be more details coming soon.

Here's what is happening next week:

  • We are wrapping up our Native Americans of New York unit next week with our final project. Many families have stepped in to contribute materials in order for us to make models for our longhouse. The materials will be needed on Monday. Please check your child's homework folder for an update about the collection.
  • In reading, you'll notice that students will write their response to nonfiction but read fiction at home. This is to help students review fiction skills for letter level testing
  • We will return to essay writing this week when we write Research-based Argument Essays. These essays will require students to take a strong point of view and present researched evidence to debate their point. This unit will build on the work we did with five paragraph essays last fall. This week, we took the time to work on adding elaboration to our writing by adding description, explaining how, and why. Often our students have used the "for example" starter to elaborate and we are now adding in an explicit statement that further explains the example in our writing. Even though we've done essay before, our main objective is to do them even better!
  • We are headed to the Armory this Tuesday. Please encourage your child to wear running shoes. 
Have a wonderful weekend!