Here's what coming this week:
- On Wednesday, Mrs. Tacconelli will lead a workshop on making wampum. We aim to wrap up our work on Native Americans this week. The kids are working on building a model of a long house. They are working in groups and each group has come up with a list of materials needed for their model. They wrote a list to ask families to help supply the materials. Please look for this in your child's homework folder.
- We will meet our buddies this week for Buddy Physical Education this Friday. Please make sure your child is wearing sneakers for the gym activities.
- This Friday afternoon, we will also have a demonstration of the dreidel game led by our very own Sophie! Children should also bring a treat to share with the class to celebrate the holidays. More details to follow.
- Finally, The answer to the poll question is $100.13 if your bank balance started at $150.00 and you made a $49.87 withdrawal. Great job, voters! Check out our new poll.