Boys received their progress reports on Thursday. Please review and sign.
Here's what's up for next week:
* Report Cards will be given out on Monday.
*We will stop by at the Used Book Fair this Monday morning, where every book is $1!!!
* Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place on Tuesday. By now every child has received an appointment slip. Most parents have requested an evening conference and I will do my best to keep to the schedule. Please be on time and bring your child's report card with you. I look forward to seeing you!
*Due to Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday will be a half day. Children will be dismissed at 12 noon.
* Please send in the trip form and admission for the Wyckoff Farmhouse if you have not already done so.
* Check out the Mixed Numbers link in the Math games section for some fun practice in our current math unit.
Have a lovely weekend!