Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Week 16

This will the last week before we go into the Winter Break.

Here's what coming this week:
  • On Wednesday, Mrs. Tacconelli will lead a workshop on making wampum. We aim to wrap up our work on Native Americans this week. The kids are working on building a model of a long house. They are working in groups and each group has come up with a list of materials needed for their model. They wrote a list to ask families to help supply the materials. Please look for this in your child's homework folder.
  • We will meet our buddies this week for Buddy Physical Education this Friday. Please make sure your child is wearing sneakers for the gym activities.
  • This Friday afternoon, we will also have a demonstration of the dreidel game led by our very own Sophie! Children should also bring a treat to share with the class to celebrate the holidays. More details to follow.
  • Finally, The answer to the poll question is $100.13 if your bank balance started at $150.00 and you made a $49.87 withdrawal. Great job, voters! Check out our new poll.
Have a lovely weekend and Happy Hanukah!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Week 15

We are gearing up to end 2011, even if the weather has been a bit unpredictable.
Some homework folders are a bit worse for the wear and I've noticed that quite a few families had replaced the folder with a binder. What a fabulous idea!

Here's what coming next week:

  • We are starting our Information Text Writing unit. In this unit, students will write as experts on a Social Studies topic of their choosing. The topic can be anything studied in second, third and fourth grade. This unit will require students to write about a topic they know a lot about. Research will help add facts to the students knowledge. It is important that your child reads many nonfiction texts on the same topic. Texts can be magazine articles, internet articles, books and even documentaries. Students have begun the research work in Reading Workshop.  The writing work will center on organizing facts into cohesive paragraphs/ chapters and writing with elaboration
  • We are going to the Armory on Tuesday.
  • Please check out the Multiplication Game link to help practice those multiplication facts.
  • Finally the answer to the poll question, If given 8, 5, 8 and 1, write a number sentence that would equal to 24,  the number sentence would be (8-5) * (8*1)! Nine out of ten voters were correct! Check out our new poll question.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Week 14

Sal assists with a magical feat!
First Friday was positively magical! We have to thank Mr.Thompson for the amazing show!

We also want to thank Mrs. Lewandowski and Mrs. Tacconelli for taking charge of the Winter Festival Project! The class is contributing a handsome table cloth with our hand prints on it. We hope it will help bring in a great donation to the school fundraising. There are so many hardworking and talented parents who really make our school special! Our gratitude goes out to everyone.
Bella & Fiona at Old Stone House

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We are beginning Unit 4 in Everyday Math, which centers on decimals and how decimals are used. As we are working on this unit, we are also working on strengthening our multiplication facts. We will work towards the goal of being able to name facts from the one to twelve times table with speed and accuracy. 
  • The Math Unit 3 will be returned on Monday. 
  • We are also beginning our reading unit on Non Fiction Social Studies research. This builds on our previous unit on non fiction reading by focusing on learning about a single topic by reading multiple books, articles and informational texts. The knowledge gathered then has to be put together. Ultimately, children are expected to become experts on a historical topic. 
  • Finally, the answer to the poll question (How many minutes will 570 seconds make?) is 9.5 minutes. Please check out our new question!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Alex captures a balloon with a skewer!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow! We are stuffed. The food and supplies sent in by all families were greatly appreciated. Three Sisters soup, roasted corn, and fresh strawberry drinks made for a yummy feast, plus the kids gained a better understanding of how the Iroquois ate.

Our thanks to Mrs. Lewandowski and Mrs. Wattenbarger who came by and assisted with the preparations. Our gratitude also goes out to all families who cooked and contributed to this event. You made this a memorable experience!

Here's what to expect for the upcoming week:

  • We will also have the next math unit test on Wednesday. The test will focus on multiplication factsopen sentences (including algebraic sentences) and numbers stories. It is a much shorter test than the last unit test. The best way to prepare is to review multiplication facts (especially the four, six, seven and eight times table. 
  • We will head to Old Stone House on Thursday. Chaperones will receive a letter with more details on Monday.
  • December's First Friday will feature Mr. Thompson, who will bring magic to our classroom! Please join us this Friday.
Have a wonderful and happy holiday!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 12

We had a great time at the American Museum of Natural History, due to the awesome chaperones! Mr. Fogel, Mrs. Aponte, Mr. Fuqua, Mrs. Lewandowski, Mr. Lowery, Mr. Pinciotti, Mr. Burwell, Mrs. Wattenbarger and Lucy's grandfather, Blake, took excellent care of each child as we moved through a crowded subway and museum. They even graciously put up with my appalling sense of direction.
The children were able to enjoy the Hall of Eastern Woodland Indians and the Hall of Ocean Life before reluctantly leaving.
Thank you to everyone!

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We will visit the Armory on Tuesday from 10:25 to 11:25.
  • On Wednesday afternoon, we will have a Native American themed Thanksgiving. Your child has a letter with more details. Please look it over . We appreciate any help we can get for the meal!
  • Schools will be closed on Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving weekend. 
  • Finally, the answer to the poll question (Which fact does not belong in the 4,6, and 24 family?) is 24= 6/4. This math fact is written incorrectly and not true! Good voting by everyone! Check out this week's question!
It was a pleasure to meet with everyone on Tuesday. Your support and concern will help ensure a successful second semester. Please return your child's report card if you have not already done so and thank you for your time.

Have a wonderful, restful weekend!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Week 11

Here's what to expect for the upcoming week:
  • Report cards will be given out on Monday. If you have not already returned your Parent Teacher Conference appointment slip, please be aware that there are no more slots in the evening after 5:30. There are slots available from 1-2:50 pm.
  • Tuesday will be a half day due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12 noon.
  • We will be visiting the American Museum of Natural History this Thursday. Chaperones will receive a letter with more information this Monday.
  • In Writing Workshop, we began our work on persuasive essay with a debate. In this unit, students are expected to take a position and defend their thesis with evidence. Students will write in the five paragraph essay format and practice strategies for expository writing. The work in this unit will also prepare our students for the writing that is expected on the New York State ELA.
  • Finally, in the equation (3*2)*4=24, the product is 24. The answer in a multiplication sentence is called the product. Please check out our new poll question.
Have a happy weekend!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Project Runway: Native American Figures

Here is a sample of the project that is due on Monday:

Week 10

False Face Masks for First Friday (say that five times fast)!
Our thanks to Mrs. Treinen for leading the workshop on this Native American artifact. We also appreciate all the parents who came by to support our learning.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • Tuesday will be a non attendance day for students due to Election Day and staff development. 
  • Schools will also be closed on Friday due to Veterans Day.
  • We are beginning the next reading unit on Nonfiction Texts. This unit will focus on expository texts, which are the informational books that focus on a subject and its many subtopics during the two weeks. Then we will switch to narrative non fiction, which includes biographies. The purpose of this unit is to develop our reading skills in order to learn about a subject. 
  • Please continue to support our Penny Harvest! Dollars, nickels, dimes and quarters are welcomed, too!
  • Finally, this week's poll asked for another name for 340,167. The answer was in the expanded form of 300,000+ 40,000+ 100+ 60+ 7, which was chosen by everyone. Great job, everyone!
Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Penny Harvest Begins!

Please support our annual Penny Harvest! We were visited by the Penny Savers today with some great information on how our pennies can help our communities. Check out the video above!
We accept nickels, dimes, and quarters, too.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week 9

Our second month comes to a close. We are within two weeks of our first (gasp) report card! Please note that report cards will be given out on Nov. 14 and Parent Teacher Conferences will take place the next day. A notice will be sent home next week with sign up slips.

Here are some other events to look forward to this upcoming week:
  • We have begun our second Social Studies unit, Native Americans of New York State. The focus of the unit will be on two groups: the Iroquois and the Lenape Algonquins. We have already read an article introducing us to the Algonquins and looked at some artifacts. We also enjoyed a short film about the life style of the native people. At the end of the unit, students should recognize the contributions of the Native Americans to our history and culture.
  • The third Math unit will include work in Multiplication and Division through number sentences and algebraic equations. Students will review multiplication/ division facts and fact families, then solve multiplication/ division problems in different formats such as the In and Out boxes.
  • Monday is Halloween! Alex's mom, Mrs. Lewandowski, will teach us how to make pumpkin bread. 
  • Monday is also Wacky Wardrobe Day. Your child has the following note explaining the event: On Monday, October 31,  we are observing Halloween with some odd wardrobe choices. This can be:
    ·    clothes worn inside out
    ·    mismatched shoes or socks
    ·    interesting color combinations
    ·    pajamas
    Please be aware that Monday is our gym day, so footwear has to be comfortable for physical activities.  Also, students might be asked to remove any pieces that can be distracting (ex. a hat, loud jangly jewelry, etc.).

    We discussed in class that this also means that there are no masks or costumes, in compliance with school policy. 

  • Our First Friday on Nov. 4th will be led by Mrs. Treinen, Stella's mom. Students will construct False Face masks, an important item in the Native American culture. These masks have deliberately exaggerated features intended to scare away evil spirits.
  • We are also finishing our Realistic Fiction and Character Study work in our reading and writing work this week. Students will publish their short stories. At times during the week, your child will bring home the piece to work on. Please encourage your child to look over his or her work for capital letters, punctuation marks and clear paragraphs. While some children will resort to inventive spelling for challenging words, basic sight words should be spelled correctly.
  • Finally,  the median in this set of numbers: {23, 18, 16, 23, 25, 15, 11} is 18. All voters were correct! Great job!!! Please check out the new poll question.
I appreciate all the positive support the class and I have received over this first two months. What a great class and great families we have!
Have a fantastic weekend!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 8

We had an exciting week with our first trip and our first visit to the Armory.
Here are some events to look forward to in the upcoming week:

  • Thursday is Picture Day! Our class will be in the MMR at 11:45am to have pictures taken. If you are interested in purchasing pictures, please return the order form with your child by Thursday. 
  • We are finishing our second unit in math. The Unit 2 test will be given on Friday. Students who want additional practice can look at the following pages in the Student Reference Book (SRB) for:
                             Maximum, Minimum, Mode,
                                     Range and Median: p 73-74
                             Addition Methods: p 10-11
                             Trade First Subtraction:  p 12
                              Line Plots and Charts: p 71
There are extra practice questions in the blue boxes labeled Check Your Understanding. Feel free to use those questions. Each child was given a paper back copy of the SRB this week to keep at home until the end of the year.

In addition to the topics listed above, the test will also contain questions about expanded notation and word form of numbers.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Green Meadows Pictures by Ms. Rao

Bird watching.
Bird watching us back!
Home with our pumpkins!

A Native American Dancer in regalia.

We had a great time at Green Meadows. Despite our late arrival, we were able to witness some amazing sights on a beautiful day. Our thanks to Uma's mom for these great pictures!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Partial Sums Addition

If your child is struggling with the Partial Sums Addition method, please look under our Math Links and click on the Everyday Math Algorithm link. There is a link to a video demonstration of the method.
Children were encouraged to bring home their math notebook if they felt it was needed for tonight's homework.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Another name for 64,037 is sixty four thousand, thirty seven. Numbers can be given in word form. Be careful not to say sixty four thousand AND thirty seven because that would make it a decimal number! Good work to most of the kids who voted! Please try our new poll!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Week 7

Thank you to all the internet connected families who read this blog! By doing this, you are helping PS 154 save paper and be a greener school.

The school has placed an order for copies of the Take Home Student Reference Book for each student in our class. Until we receive them, your child has permission to take home the class copy. Students are also encourage to bring home their notebooks whenever they feel the need to, as long as the notebook is returned the next day.

Here are some events to note for this upcoming week:
  • On Tuesday, we will be headed to the Armory! Please make sure your child wears sneakers and clothes that are appropriate for physical activity.
  • Please look for a Behavior and Effort Progress Report in your child's Homework folder this Tuesday. This is not a report card but will hopefully give you some idea about how your child's behavior is in class. 
  • On Thursday, we will head over to Green Meadows to participate in the Festival of Cultures. We have six wonderful parent chaperones going with us. If you have signed up to be a chaperone, please expect a letter with more details on Monday.
Have a beautiful weekend!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Vote on Our Poll!

In last week's poll, a shape that has three rectangular faces and two triangular faces is a triangular prism.
Please vote on this week's poll. Watch out for the tricky choices!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 6

It was great to see how many parents came to our Curriculum Conference on Wednesday! It was all too brief but I hope the information was helpful. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please send a note with your child to me and I will do my best to answer it.

In regard to some concerns about math, please note that there is now a link on this website to the Everyday Math Website Mr. Havlik mentioned at the meeting. It is located under the Math links, labeled Everyday Math Homework Help. Mr. Havlik is also looking into ordering Take Home copies of the Student Reference book for our class.

Here are some events coming up for the week starting October 18:

  • School is closed on Monday for Columbus Day.
  • Our Personal Narratives were well received by the many parents who came to read our stories this First Friday! The next unit of writing will build on our narrative skills. We will make short Realistic Fiction stories. Children will work on developing a story with a plotline, believable characters and a moral.  We will  continue practicing our show not tell strategies, such as descriptive writing and using similes/metaphors to describe.
  • We also began a new unit in math today. This unit will focus on Numeration and Data, which includes exploring place value into the billions, and creating charts and line plots.
We have booked our first trip for October 20th. The fourth grade is going to a Festival of Cultures in Green Meadows Park to experience the culture of the Native People of New York.  Please send in your child's permission slip and admission if you have not already done so. Many thanks to the parents who have already replied and to those who have volunteered to be chaperones. I will contact you with more information about chaperone duty soon. 

Thank you very much for your support! Here are some pictures from our first Music class as we learn to read sheet music!
Have a fantastic weekend!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is Realistic Fiction?

As we start this new reading unit, please be aware that not only will children read realistic fiction, but historical fiction as well. Historic fiction is considered a subcategory of realistic fiction since these are stories that could have happened in real life. In historical fiction, setting (time and place) has a greater impact on the characters' behavior, especially in gender roles.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Week 5

The first month of the school year has flown by! Here are some events to look forward to this first week of October:
  • Starting this Monday, students will walk up to the classroom by themselves in the morning.
  • Please join the fourth grade teachers for the Curriculum Conference on Wednesday, October 5th.
  • We are continuing letter level testing this week during Reading Workshop. We will also start our second reading unit, Following Characters into Meaning, during which we will focus on Realistic Fiction and how characters in some of our favorite books can help provide insight into our own lives. This unit will challenge students to look for theories about characters based on evidence from the characters' behavior, feelings, and thoughts. These theories might also be generalized to become theories about real people.
  • We will also have our first Math test this Thursday. The test will focus on the work we've done in geometry this unit. Please encourage your child to review his/her math notebook in preparation for this. There will also be an open book pretest to help students study.
  • Our first published piece will be available for the publishing celebration during October's First Friday. Come join us on October 7th as we share our Personal Narratives. Students are currently revising and editing their pieces.
  • Friday will also feature our first Music class. This year fourth graders will learn to play the keyboard.
  • Finally, the answer to the poll question (The perimeter of a four inch square...) is 16 inches, not 16 sq. in., which is the area of the shape. Please vote on our new poll!
Have a great weekend and happy Rosh Hashanah!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 4

We are well on our way to making our own relief map of NYS. We'll finish this project next week. Thanks go out to our families for their help in making the salt dough we needed!

Here are some events coming up week:
  • We will continue letter level testing of individual students. This is a long process and hopefully we will be finished by mid October.
  • We are winding down our Personal Narrative writing cycle next week. We plan to have our Narratives ready for October's First Friday. 
  • Schools will be closed on Thursday and Friday for Rosh Hashanah. 
Finally, The answer to the math poll question (Complete the pattern 3, 9, 27, ---)  is 81! Everyone who voted was correct! Please vote on the new poll question.

Have a happy weekend!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 3

During First Friday we spent our time exploring this blog. The kids enjoyed playing the math games and it gave me a chance to see how much math knowledge they already have. They also did a great job of sharing the laptops and working collaboratively. Thank you's go to all the parents who participated and assisted our children with finding the websites.
Here are some events to look forward to next week:
  • We will begin letter level testing. Most children are reading books at the letter levels that were provided to me by their third grade teachers. Hopefully, we will be able to get the whole class tested by the end of this month. At the end of each  child's session, I will recommend some strategies to the child. These strategies and your child's reading level will be recorded on the back of your child's Reading Notebook.
  • AIS (Extended Day Morning Program) will start on Tuesday. If your child was invited, please report to the lunch room before 8 am. I will pick up the group from there.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Friday Update

Previously, our Art period was changed from 7th period to 1st period. Due to First Friday, the children will have art at sixth period.

For the first session of First Friday, we will play some math games. Please join us if you can. If you are interested in presenting an activity for future First Fridays, please let me know. There will be a sign up sheet sent home.

Thank you!

Monday, September 12, 2011

No AIS this Week!

In the letters that went out before the school year, students who were offered a spot in the Extended Day AIS program were asked to report on September 13. The start date has now been pushed back to September 20, which is next Tuesday. All students will continue to start the school day at 8:40am for the remainder of the week.

There has also been a change in our Friday schedule. Ms. Kelly, who normally has our class 7th period, will take our class during 1st period. This change will only be in effect this week.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 2

Next week will be our first full week on school. These past two days have been full of new things and I thank you for your patience as we learn new routines. 

Today, we explored our class library and students borrowed books to read at home and for the next week. Children are allowed to read a Just Right book of any genre during the weekend but have to read books supporting the genre that we are studying during weekday. We are currently working on Fiction in class. 

Here are some items to be aware of for the upcoming week:
On Tuesday, we have been invited to visit the school garden at 2:30 pm. We might get a bit messy so please dress your child in clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. 

Please send in the lunch form, dismissal form (from the summer letter) and the Armory Permission slip if you have not already done so. 
Please also send in Day 3 and Day 4 supplies on Monday and Tuesday as listed below: 
1       5” blunt child safety scissors

3      rolls of Bounty paper towels

2       Wet Ones Hand wipes

1       10 ct 2 gallon size storage/freezer Ziploc bags

1        Quart size Ziploc bags

1        pack wide rule looseleaf paper

2       yellow legal pads

1       Uniball fine line rolling writer (for Art class)

2        blue Mead Marble notebooks unruled,
        or $2.50 if you cannot find these books.   
           (for Art class)

1      pencil sharpener with receptacle

$5.00 for New York Studies subscription

1      bottle Fantastik surface cleaner
        (for computers) 

Thank you all for your efforts and support. Have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 2

The first day has come and gone so quickly! Throughout the day's activities, the kids have shown that they have a great sense of humor and can follow directions carefully. There are many children with beautiful listening skills. It's a promising start and I am excited to get to know everyone better!

We distributed homework folders. For today, the only homework assigned was to have the lunch form and Armory permission form completed. Students were encouraged to make it their job to give their family school notices.

Students should also prepare to bring in Day 2 supplies. Here are the supplies expected tomorrow:

4      Dozen #2 pencils  

4      large Elmer’s Glue stick

1      large eraser

1     8ct conical tip Crayola Washable markers classic  colors (thick)

1      24ct or higher full- length color pencils

4    3x3 yellow self-stick notes, lined

4     boxes of Kleenex facial tissues (for class and cluster classes)

Thank you for your cooperation with bringing the supplies in installments! This makes it so much easier for us to organize our materials well.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of School is Here!

Tomorrow is  the big day!
Due to the possibility that the weather might be rainy, please be aware that your child will have to report to the  Multi Media Room instead of the school yard. If it doesn't rain, please bring your child to the school yard. I'll see you there!

For the first day, you child will only need the following items from the supply list:

7    Black and white Mead Marble  notebooks,   
 100+ pages (including 1 for Science class)

2    Sharpie Ultrafine markers, black

8      plastic/vinyl two pocket folders

Thank you for your cooperation and for making the effort to read this blog!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

2011-2012 Cluster Classes Schedule

Here is the schedule for our visits to our specialty teachers:

Monday: Gym with Ms. Ussery at 10:20- 11:05
Tuesday: Science with Ms. Hanson at 9:30- 10-15
Wednesday: Computers with Ms. Pattison at 8:40- 9:25
Thursday: Science with Ms. Hanson at 2: 10- Dismissal
Friday: Art with Ms. Kelly at 2:10-Dismissal

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is okay and emerging from Hurricane Irene with no lingering effects.
School will start on September 8th. A newsletter was mailed out last week to the address you have in the school computer. The letter contains information about this class and its routines. It also contains a list of supplies like the one sent out with your child's third grade report card.

As stated in the letter, this is the class blog. Information about class events and units of study will be provided here. There are also links to games and educational resources that are connected to fourth grade topics. Most students make it a habit to vote on the poll underneath the calendar. This blog is updated weekly (usually over the weekend)  so please check in at the beginning of the school week. Thank you for checking in!

Please enjoy the rest of these sunny days. See you next Thursday!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Farewell! We Split! We Split!"

"Malvolio" strikes again!

This has been a fun, joyful, and unfortunately quick year. I will remember this class fondly. It was a privilege to work with a group of children known for their exceptional humor, talent, and good will. To quote another Shakespeare play: "Parting is such sweet sorrow!"

"Tis very midsummer madness!"
What has made saying goodbye a little easier is knowing that they will enter fifth grade with two wonderful teachers. Mrs. Greller has group 5-306 and Ms. Fought has group 5-307. They have been a collaborative and energetic team for many years. The children will be in for a fantastic senior year!
The American Revolution board game.
Congratulations to William for 100% attendance!

Finally, I have to thank everyone for their beautiful messages, kind wishes and lovely gifts. To the many parents who have stepped up and volunteered throughout the year, I am most grateful. I felt like the luckiest teacher with the best class ever and never more so than this past week!

Thank you!

Have a wonderful summer! Be well and see you in September!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Last Days :(

Wow! What an awesome display of talent this Wednesday. The class was brilliant in Twelfth Night! We've gotten very positive responses from the audiences. Thank you for your compliments and praise! The DVD shot by a parent volunteeer is currently being reproduced and each child will get a copy to keep at the end of the year.

We are now at the end of our school year. Students have been taking home notebooks and the work they have accumulated through the year. Please make sure your child empties their book bag  this weekend. We still have more materials to take home. Children have already taken home their Writing folders. Test folders will be among the materials taken home on Monday.

Tuesday is the last day. It will be an early dismissal at 12 noon. Report cards will not be given out until then. If your child is not attending school that day, you may pick up the report card from the main office after 12 or send a stamped self addressed envelope so that the report card can be mailed to you.

Finally, the answer to the poll question: If four hats cost $16 dollars, three hats would cost $12. Good thinking!

Have a happy weekend!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tomorrow's Performance

It's Showtime!!!
There will be Shakespeare in the MMR, courtesy of our talented fourth graders. We will begin seating everyone @1:45. Please try to be on time as we aim to start the show soon after.

Students were asked to wear a black bottom (pants, short or skirts)  and secure shoes.

The kids have worked hard and are very brave to perform. They are so very good and we're sure our audience is in for a fabulous show!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Updates

The Battle at Yorktown Diorama
The Battle at Saratoga diorama

Concord and Lexington

A Stamp Act Tax on the Bible!

We finished our Social Studies presentation today! The American Revolution was a fun topic to explore!

This week will be quite busy for us. We had our first full dress rehearsal and it went very well. There were quite a few laughs and some brave comedic choices! Our families are in for a treat this Wednesday! Please be at the show at 1: 45.

We will celebrate our performance and the end of the year this Friday afternoon. Please provide your child with a healthy drink (vitamin water, iced tea, or low sugar juice) to go with the pizza we'll have.

Students will begin to bring home materials from the fourth grade this week. Today, we took home any unused notebooks from this year. These can be used for the next year. Student folders and notebooks will be making their way home each day this week. Some parents are looking to create a portfolio for Middle Schools so please look through the materials before you dispose of any of it. Some items to keep are 2-3 best writing samples, some tests and the final report card.
Please be on the look out for any class library books you may have in your house. They need to be returned to the classroom for future use.

We will have our final meeting with our Buddies this week. The time is yet to be determined and may happen on Friday or Thursday. Please keep an eye out for the reminder in the homework folder.

Have an awesome week!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Week 38

Betsy Ross sews a flag!
The Boston Tea Party diorama
The Boston Tea Party reenactment
The Boston Massacre diorama

We are wrapping up our Revolutionary War partnerships by presenting our projects to the rest of the class. Some children chose dioramas, some chose to create a skit and some made a board game. We will finish our presentations on Monday.
Green reports went home for the girls today.

Here are some other things to look forward to next week:

Monday is our full dress rehearsal for Twelfth Night! Please make sure your child wears secure shoes for moving around the stage. Please avoid loose sandals or flip flops.  There will be another dress rehearsal on Tuesday.

Wednesday is the big day! All families are invited to our play at 1:45 pm in the MMR. 
On the day of the play, please have your child wear secure footwear (sneakers are great!) and a black bottom. Each child should also wear a tank top or close fitting t-shirt so that they can easily change into their costume by wearing the costume over their shirt.

Thursday will be the day of our last meeting with our Kindergarten Buddies. We will have a picnic out by our garden. Please have your child bring in a favorite treat to share with their buddies as we say, "See you next year! Have a great summer!" 

Friday will be the day of our Shakespeare celebration. We are having pizza in the afternoon so please provide your child with a healthy drink (vitamin water, or low sugar juice). 
Some children will be on a Middle School tour on Friday morning.

Finally the answer to the poll: if you have $14 in a snack budget, you can buy 17 bags of chips at $0.79 each. Good job everyone!

Have a lovely weekend! Happy Fathers Day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday Notes

Sorry about the delay in posting yesterday. Internet trouble at home :(

We are a week away from our Shakespeare play. We will need a couple of parents to help usher during the two performances. If you can make it and are willing to help out, please let me know. There will be a note with a tear off going home tomorrow.

As we come to the end of the year, we have to collect class library books for storage. Please look through your house and return any books belonging to the classroom by June 24.

We will also begin to send materials home gradually. Some supplies can be used next year so keep an eye out for it.

Have a great week!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Daydream at Prospect Park

Our Shakespeare Teacher is performing in Daydream,  an adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream every weekend. We saw it last Friday and the kids enjoyed it. If you would like to bring the rest of your family, this show is free. Here's the information:

Where: Prospect Park, Prospect Park W & 9th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215 (Imagination Playground)

When:  June 12, 2011 / June 18, 2011 / June 19, 2011 / June 25, 2011 / June 26, 2011
(The show will be held every Saturday at 11am and Sunday at 2pm in June.)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Week 37

Field Day was hot but fun. We had a great time and were happy to return to a cool room. What a great way to start the weekend.

Next week, we will work with Scott on Monday and Wednesday. Since we will meet with him first period on Monday,  please remind your child to report to the MMr instead of the classroom. We'll meet with him at fourth period on Wednesday

Monday is also a half day. Please expect your child to be dismissed at noon. 

Due to Field Day, I was unable to get to the boys' homework folder so the green progress reports will be completed on Monday.

Happy Fathers Day to all the important men in our lives! Have a cool weekend!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hope you are having a great Brooklyn-Queens Day!

The answer to last weeks poll is: 1/3= 0.33333333333. Everyone who voted was correct! :)

As you rehearse Shakespeare lines with your child, remind your child to practice slowing down their
 speaking voice. Pause at every comma! Speak loudly and breathe during the pauses.
 Think of how you would move in a pool as you rehearse your actions. All movements should be deliberate and exagerated.

For Friday's Field Day, we will keep an eye on the weather report. If we are going, remember to bring a towel to sit on along with a lunch+ snacks+ beverages in a bag that can easily contain these things. Wearing comfortable clothes, sunscreen, hats and bug spray are a good idea . Please refer to the previous blog post for more details.
In the event of cancellation due to rain, we will make up the field day at another time. Please be prepared for a regular school day then.

See you Friday!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Update

Yikes! Watch out for the mistake on the Math homework. Sixteen (16) ounces make 1 pound! Sorry about that mistake!

Tomorrow is the annual Kickball game. Your child will need to bring in a towel to sit on and it is a good idea to wear sunscreen tomorrow. There will be refreshments sold by the fifth grade committee. If you would like for your child to partake in the refreshments, please give your child about 3-5 dollars. It's also a good idea to have a water bottle since it is likely to get hot.

It will also be a half day and dismissal will be at 12 noon after we have eaten lunch in the cafeteria.

On Wednesday, we have been asked to help water the community garden. It will be a quick ten minutes, but it's a good idea to have your child dressed in clothes that you don't mind getting dirty.

Thursday will be a non attendance day for students due to Brooklyn Queens Day.

If weather permits, Friday will be our Annual Field Day. Please make sure your child  has a towel to sit on, sunscreen and bug spray, along with a lunch and water for the day. We are planning to leave for the field at 9:30 and return to school at about 2:00. Please be reminded that children are not to bring hand held games or electronic devices to the field. A good rule to observe is if it is something you can't bear to lose, don't bring it.

This week will fly by!

Stop Motion Projects

Check out the Stop Motion Animation Projects from Art class! Just click on the link below.
 We thank Ms. Kelly, who made all this possible!   

Friday, June 3, 2011

Week 36

We had a lovely Daydream at The Imagination Playground today! The show was beautifully presented and our Shakespeare teacher, Scott, was fantastic as Bottom.
We have to thank our awesome chaperones, Mr. Naimoli, Ms. Petersen, Mrs. Genis, Mrs. Knowles, and Mrs. Longo, for helping all the fourth graders travel safely through the park!

We have another event filled week coming up:

  • On Monday, students will take the Written portion of the NYS Science Test. We have finished the Manipulatives portion this week. 
  • Tuesday is a half day! Dismissal will be at 12. 
  • We will also have the Annual Fifth Grade vs. Faculty Kickball game. Refreshments will be sold at the game.
  • We will meet with Scott on Wednesday for another rehearsal of Twelfth Night
  • Students will not report to school on Thursday for Brooklyn Queens Day.
  • Weather permitting, Friday will be the Annual Field Day. Our field will be located right by the 10th Ave. entrance at Prospect Park. 
Have a great sunny weekend!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Imagination Playground

We are going to Prospect Park on Friday. Please make sure you have a towel to sit on and a water bottle to keep hydrated. It is also recommended that you wear sunscreen and bug repellent, along with comfortable walking shoes.

On a different note, a rectangle that isn't a square has two lines of symmetry. Good work, everyone!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 35

It's getting warmer and sunnier each day! Hurray! Please make sure you have a water bottle with you so that you can stay hydrated in class.

Here are the big events for next week:

  • Schools are closed this Monday for Memorial Day.
  • We will meet with our Shakespeare teacher on Wednesday at 4th period.
  • The NYS Science Test will begin next week with the Manipulatives portion. Students will be given tasks to perform and will report their observations in writing during this portion. Ms. Gamboi has been preparing the children for this all year. Our students are scheduled to do take this test on Wednesday and Thursday
  • Scott, our Shakespeare teacher, will be performing as Bottom in Daydream, a vignette from A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Imagination Playground in Prospect Park. We will go see him there this Friday!
Have a wonderful three day weekend and don't forget the sunscreen!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Update

We started this week with our very first Shakespeare practice on the stage. We will spend a few more sessions this week practicing without our teaching artist. Please help your child study his/ her script.

Thanks goes out to children who have started bringing supplies for their independent project. If you have not seen the project plan list, please ask your child for it.

Have a happy week!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Week 34

The weeks are flying by as we get closer to the end of the school year. While we are gradually saying good bye to the fourth grade, we are also getting ourselves ready for the fifth grade.

We had a great first week with the Shakespeare teaching artist. The kids enjoyed the acting games and most of the class has been cast in roles, so students will be studying lines throughout this week or two. Every child plays an important part in the production. Please join us for our show on June 22 @1:45 in the MMR. 
We will have our next class with the teaching artist on Monday.

Next week we will have our last music class with Tor this year. It has been a great deal of fun and I'm sure the kids would like to express their best wishes to Tor for this summer.

Poll Question Answer: 3/10 is 30 % .

Have a sunny weekend everyone!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Project Supplies

As part of the independent projects that we'll finish the year with, students have a choice between making a board game, a diorama or writing a short one scene play (skit) about the Revolutionary War. Because of the free choice, individual students will need different supplies depending on the project. Your child will need to bring in the supplies by next week. Please consult their project plan sheet for details. Thank you!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Reminders

We started our Shakespeare Workshops today and everyone had fun learning the basics of acting. We'll have our next session with the instructor on Friday. Something to look forward to!

Tomorrow, we'll head to the Armory and come right back to work with Tor . Our music concert is this Friday, so we will have an extra session to practice.

Have an awesome week!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Week 33

PHEW! We can breathe a little easier now that the major exams are completed. There is still the New York State Science test on June 6th. While the results of that test will be include in your child's testing history, it's  not considered in promotional criteria.
     The new tests were more challenging but I was pleased with the resolve and persistence our children showed. Everyone worked carefully and took their time. Regardless of results, every child tried their very best.
     We are moving forward and focusing on getting ready for our Shakespeare performance! The performance will take place on June 22 at 1:45pm. Please save that date if you are planning to attend.

Here are next week's notable events:

  • We meet the Shakespeare teaching artist on Monday! Scott Lilly is a professional stage actor. He worked with the fourth grade last year on our production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. This year we will be studying Twelfth Night.
  • We are headed to the Armory on Tuesday!
  • We are also working with Tor on Tuesday and Thursday. The Music concert for 4th graders will be @ 6:30. A letter was sent home last week with more details about dressing for the performance. 
And lastly,
The answer to the poll question: If 4x5-10> 8X,  then X would equal 1.
Have a great weekend!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Notes

This week, we'll focus more on reviewing math in order to prepare for the upcoming NYS Math exam. The exam will take place on Wednesday and Thursday. Day 1 will feature 45 multiple choice questions and students will have 70 minutes to complete the test. Day 2 will feature twelve questions (eight short  responses and 4 extended response) It will also be 70 minutes long. A challenge for this portion is to use the seventy minutes wisely and not rush through the exam. A careful, methodical approach is required to do well in this portion and we have been practicing how to use our time wisely.

On another note, the parent in charge of the community garden has asked for some student volunteers this Tuesday at recess. If your child does not have a previous lunch time commitment, and is interested in working in the garden, please make sure s/he is wearing the appropriate work clothes.

Have a warm, sunny week!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Week 32

My thanks to you all for the Teachers Appreciation luncheon! It was a thoughful treat, especially at the end of this week.

 Progress reports for the girls went home today. Please review and sign them.

Now that the ELA test is over, we are turning our attention to the State Math Test. The class was asked to review some things in their math notebooks such as the strategies long division and finding fractions of a group. We have noticed in our practices that, while the State Tests are fairly easy math-wise, the real key to doing well is to read the carefully and check our work over carefully.

Here's what's coming next week:

  • We will have two music sessions with Tor this week. We will work with him on Tuesday and Thursday. There will be a concert for fourth graders to perform in on May 20 at 6:30pm.
  • The Math Test will take place on Wednesday and Thursday. Each session will be 70 minutes. 
Have a great weekend and Happy Mothers Day to all the important, loving ladies in our lives!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday notes

Tomorrow is a big day! We'll take the first part of the ELA test.

In addition to the upcoming events listed in the previous post, please note that the Science fair is open and come on Thursday to tour it.

Have a great week!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Week 31

Welcome back!
Next week will be a big one. We will have the NYS English Language Arts test on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Here are some points to keep in mind for those days:

  • During those days, please make sure your child gets enough rest the night before. Some light exercise in the afternoon might help calm nerves. 
  • Eat a healthy breakfast. Try to avoid overly sugary food. Stay hydrated!
  • Have your child arrive on time. 
  • There will be no homework on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday other than to read.
We also have these events to look forward to during the week:
  • On Monday, we will visit the Moveable Museum. A truck from the Natural History Museum will be here and we will participate in a workshop about how historian learn about other cultures. Due to this event, our regular schedule will be changed and students are asked to report to the Computer lab  for first period
  • We will visit the Mothers Day plant sale on Friday. We are scheduled to go at 10:00 am.  Prices range from $2.00- $15.00.
Finally, the answer to the poll question is: Perpendicular lines make right angles. Everyone who voted was right :)
Have a sunny weekend!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 30

We return from Spring Break on Wednesday, April 27. Here are some reminders for that three day week:

  • Your child has an optional homework packet, given out on Thursday. Your child can do all, some, or none of it. Even if your child is unable to find the time to do any part of it, please make sure s/he brings it to class on Wednesday.
  • It is important to read during the break especially since we will return to Statewide testing. The class left with self-selected  books for the vacation. 
  • If the opportunity presents itself, please have your child play with some of the math games on the blog. Being able to calculate quickly and accurately will be a huge asset for the upcoming state exam. Review multiplication and division facts, especially the 4, 6,7,and 8 times tables.
Happy Easter and Passover to everyone. Have a wonderful recess! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, April 11th

What a lovely, sunny start to our week! Let's hope we'll have more of this, especially on Wednesday.
  • We are headed to the Armory tomorrow. Please make sure your child wears sneakers and light clothing suitable for exercising.
  • On Wednesday, we will head to the Wyckoff Farmhouse. Parent volunteers will receive a letter with further instruction. We will leave the school around 9:25 am and return around 1:30 pm. Everyone will need a lunch as no one requested a lunch from the school.
  • There will be a packet of optional homework of test materials for the Spring Break.
  • Please continue to sign the green reports for your child and the daily homework log. Last Friday was the boys' turn. This week will be the girls' turn to receive their reports.
  • On Friday, we will have a small celebration. Please send your child with a drink. Due to a recent school rule, soda will no longer be allowed.
  • The answer to 5/8 + 1/4= 7/8. Kudos goes to everyone, who all voted correctly!
Have a great week!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week 29

Here are some note-worthy events coming up next week:
  • We will be headed to the Armory this Tuesday. Please wear the appropriate shoes.
  • Wednesday is our trip to Wyckoff Farmhouse. This historic site is a Dutch house from colonial times. We will get to explore the artifacts in the house and play with some colonial toys.
  • Spring Break will begin next Monday! There will be an optional packet of test prep materials given over the break.
Have a great weekend!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Notes

Thanks go out to those who sent in their salt dough and board today. Your support helped to make the activity successful! We are almost finished with our map of the thirteen colonies.

  • There will be a unit test tomorrow. It will focus mostly on Fractions and it's uses. Please go over the Study Sheet to review possible questions.
Have a great week!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Week 28

Our thanks go out to all the parents who showed up on First Friday! We were very lucky to have a talented group help us make cranes with our buddies!

Here's what ahead next week:

  • On Monday, we will make another salt dough map. Please help your child bring in the necessary supplies on Monday. Each child received a directions list on Wednesday and will need a 9x 14 piece of cardboard beside the salt dough. 
  • On Tuesday, we will have the unit 7 fraction test. Your child has to complete the Study Sheet which was given in class. The test will focus on fractions. A major point to go over with your child is to remember to make fraction have the same denominator whenever we work with a group of unlike fractions. 
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Poll Answer

1/2 is the biggest fraction in a set with 1/3. 1/4 and 1/5. Excellent job, everyone who voted!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Notes

As we practice, more and more kids are getting better at making the origami cranes. One student brought in a bag of cranes he made for the tsunami survivors!
If you would like to learn how to make the cranes, please stay after Tuesday and Thursday's dismissal. In the yard, there will be parents demonstrating how. We need as many adults as possible to help our students and our kindergarten buddies with this task.

Here are some events coming this week:

  • We will be headed to the armory tomorrow. Please make sure your child wears sneakers.
  • First Friday will be a bit different this time. Some of the fourth graders will work in Ms. Hanson's room (K-101) with their buddies, while some kindergartners will come up to our classroom to work with their buddies.  Some parents will stay downstairs with their child to assist. There will be a note going home on Tuesday with a tear off for parents who are interested in coming to help. Please return this as soon as you can so that I can let you know which room you will be needed in. 
  • We have begun our Test Prep Unit in Reading and Writing Workshop in class. While the Saturday program focuses solely on test taking skills and test sophistication, we will work more on reading and writing efficiently as well as review strategies used in previous genres of study.
Have a sunny week!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Week 27

Last week, details about the upcoming ELA test (in four weeks!) were posted. This week, we turn our focus on the State Math test. It will be taken during May 11 and 12 (Wednesday and Thursday). The first day will have 45 multiple choice questions to be completed over 70 minutes. The second session will involve 8 short response and 4 extended responses. Short responses and extended responses require a child to solve a problem and write an explanation of his/ her processes.

We have begun to review past topics in math so that it is fresh in the students minds as they approach the assessments. Families can help at by:

  • Reviewing multiplication and division facts for speed and accuracy. 
  • Encouraging careful reading of directions and math story problems during homework.
  • Talking about how a math problem is solved. Try to layout the steps taken by starting with "First, I read the problem and decided that it wanted me to do...."
Again, these are suggestions you might want to tuck in when the opportunity presents itself. 

Here are some upcoming events for next week:
  • We will visit the Armory on Tuesday! Please make sure your child wears sneakers.
  • First Friday will be a school wide event. As mentioned in a previous post, we will make origami cranes to help raise money for the survivors of the tsunami in Japan. We need as many parents as we can get who are able to make cranes. This is a challenging task for most kids, plus we have also been tasked with helping our kindergarten buddies make cranes. Please refer to the video tutorial that was posted earlier this week if you are coming to help. 
Thank you for your attention to these matters. Have a warm and sunny weekend!