Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 12

Here's the candy/ cookie turkey we made today. Each child received an instruction sheet and the materials to make a turkey. Alas, like many turkeys this time of year, they were all gobbled up.

Girls received their green report today. Please check your daughter's report and sign the report.

* Next week, we will begin our reading work within the Fantasy genre. In this unit, we will add to the narrative work we've done earlier. We will learn the archetypes of the genre and use them to help us predict how a story may go. By examining characters and their journey, we will develop ideas about themes found in the story.

*There will be a math test on Tuesday. It will feature questions on Number sentences, multplication, division and "What's My Rule" Boxes. We will review in class and have a study sheet on Monday.

* I will be out at a planning meeting for the Brooklyn Museum on Wednesday. The fourth grade has been invited back to participate in workshops with a museum educator focusing on Exploration, our new Social Studies unit. The class' substitute will have plans to review previous learning that day.

* This upcoming Friday will be a First Friday. Please send a note with your child if you would like to lead an activity. A parent presenter would be most welcomed!

*With the change in the Word Study program, the type of homework given will be different. Today, children were introduced to the Word Hunt activity, which is basically having the children look around their environment and in their reading for words that follow the spelling rules that are studying. The purpose of this activity is to encourage children to transfer their learning to many words, not just the ones on the spelling list. The class started their Word Hunt today and have until next Thursday to finish it.

Have a happy holiday weekend!