Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 35

It's getting warmer and sunnier each day! Hurray! Please make sure you have a water bottle with you so that you can stay hydrated in class.

Here are the big events for next week:

  • Schools are closed this Monday for Memorial Day.
  • We will meet with our Shakespeare teacher on Wednesday at 4th period.
  • The NYS Science Test will begin next week with the Manipulatives portion. Students will be given tasks to perform and will report their observations in writing during this portion. Ms. Gamboi has been preparing the children for this all year. Our students are scheduled to do take this test on Wednesday and Thursday
  • Scott, our Shakespeare teacher, will be performing as Bottom in Daydream, a vignette from A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Imagination Playground in Prospect Park. We will go see him there this Friday!
Have a wonderful three day weekend and don't forget the sunscreen!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Update

We started this week with our very first Shakespeare practice on the stage. We will spend a few more sessions this week practicing without our teaching artist. Please help your child study his/ her script.

Thanks goes out to children who have started bringing supplies for their independent project. If you have not seen the project plan list, please ask your child for it.

Have a happy week!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Week 34

The weeks are flying by as we get closer to the end of the school year. While we are gradually saying good bye to the fourth grade, we are also getting ourselves ready for the fifth grade.

We had a great first week with the Shakespeare teaching artist. The kids enjoyed the acting games and most of the class has been cast in roles, so students will be studying lines throughout this week or two. Every child plays an important part in the production. Please join us for our show on June 22 @1:45 in the MMR. 
We will have our next class with the teaching artist on Monday.

Next week we will have our last music class with Tor this year. It has been a great deal of fun and I'm sure the kids would like to express their best wishes to Tor for this summer.

Poll Question Answer: 3/10 is 30 % .

Have a sunny weekend everyone!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Project Supplies

As part of the independent projects that we'll finish the year with, students have a choice between making a board game, a diorama or writing a short one scene play (skit) about the Revolutionary War. Because of the free choice, individual students will need different supplies depending on the project. Your child will need to bring in the supplies by next week. Please consult their project plan sheet for details. Thank you!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Reminders

We started our Shakespeare Workshops today and everyone had fun learning the basics of acting. We'll have our next session with the instructor on Friday. Something to look forward to!

Tomorrow, we'll head to the Armory and come right back to work with Tor . Our music concert is this Friday, so we will have an extra session to practice.

Have an awesome week!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Week 33

PHEW! We can breathe a little easier now that the major exams are completed. There is still the New York State Science test on June 6th. While the results of that test will be include in your child's testing history, it's  not considered in promotional criteria.
     The new tests were more challenging but I was pleased with the resolve and persistence our children showed. Everyone worked carefully and took their time. Regardless of results, every child tried their very best.
     We are moving forward and focusing on getting ready for our Shakespeare performance! The performance will take place on June 22 at 1:45pm. Please save that date if you are planning to attend.

Here are next week's notable events:

  • We meet the Shakespeare teaching artist on Monday! Scott Lilly is a professional stage actor. He worked with the fourth grade last year on our production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. This year we will be studying Twelfth Night.
  • We are headed to the Armory on Tuesday!
  • We are also working with Tor on Tuesday and Thursday. The Music concert for 4th graders will be @ 6:30. A letter was sent home last week with more details about dressing for the performance. 
And lastly,
The answer to the poll question: If 4x5-10> 8X,  then X would equal 1.
Have a great weekend!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Notes

This week, we'll focus more on reviewing math in order to prepare for the upcoming NYS Math exam. The exam will take place on Wednesday and Thursday. Day 1 will feature 45 multiple choice questions and students will have 70 minutes to complete the test. Day 2 will feature twelve questions (eight short  responses and 4 extended response) It will also be 70 minutes long. A challenge for this portion is to use the seventy minutes wisely and not rush through the exam. A careful, methodical approach is required to do well in this portion and we have been practicing how to use our time wisely.

On another note, the parent in charge of the community garden has asked for some student volunteers this Tuesday at recess. If your child does not have a previous lunch time commitment, and is interested in working in the garden, please make sure s/he is wearing the appropriate work clothes.

Have a warm, sunny week!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Week 32

My thanks to you all for the Teachers Appreciation luncheon! It was a thoughful treat, especially at the end of this week.

 Progress reports for the girls went home today. Please review and sign them.

Now that the ELA test is over, we are turning our attention to the State Math Test. The class was asked to review some things in their math notebooks such as the strategies long division and finding fractions of a group. We have noticed in our practices that, while the State Tests are fairly easy math-wise, the real key to doing well is to read the carefully and check our work over carefully.

Here's what's coming next week:

  • We will have two music sessions with Tor this week. We will work with him on Tuesday and Thursday. There will be a concert for fourth graders to perform in on May 20 at 6:30pm.
  • The Math Test will take place on Wednesday and Thursday. Each session will be 70 minutes. 
Have a great weekend and Happy Mothers Day to all the important, loving ladies in our lives!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday notes

Tomorrow is a big day! We'll take the first part of the ELA test.

In addition to the upcoming events listed in the previous post, please note that the Science fair is open and come on Thursday to tour it.

Have a great week!