Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thank you!

What better way to end a school year than with an indulgent spa treatment! Thanks to all the families for the generous gift certificate to a day spa!

Summer Break, Week 1

Whoo, it is hot out there! It's been a great week of relaxing and not having to meet deadlines. Reading purely for fun, I'm finishing the Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley. If you are a fan of adventures, humor and fantasy, with a little girl power thrown in, this is the series for you. Happy reading!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

See you in September!

Wow! Hard to believe but another school year is over! It has been a great year and I will always remember the joy and fun we had as a class. Looking back at the third grade portfolios, it was evident that there was growth in all our learners. Most importantly, there was a sense of friendship and community in our class throughout the year. This class was a favorite of many teachers, especially this one. To quote another Shakespeare play, "Parting is such sweet sorrow". Have the best summer!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


The Shakespeare Performance was quite simply, perfect! Everyone remembered their lines and had fun. The performances were spot on! The audience laughed at all the right parts and talk has begun about which Shakespeare text will be performed next.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Shakespeare Performance!!!!

The play is here! Your child will recieve a t-shirt as part of his/ her costume tomorrow. There is no other item needed for costumes. The class has worked very hard and their rehearsals have been strong. Please make sure you arrive promptly @1:30. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda is the story of martial arts loving panda who learns to live his dream. It's a fun animated feature and our class is excited to go to the Pavillion to see this feature. Permission slips with more details have been sent home since Tuesday. Please make sure your child has returned his/ her slip with the admission fee of $6.50. Please feel free to join us!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Shakespeare Performance is Near!

June 19 is fast approaching!!!! Rehearsals have been awesome since our children have been getting better and better each day! Please join us @1:30 in the MMR. You're in for a real treat!

In related news, please send in $20 dollars to help pay for costumes and sets. Disregard this reminder if you have already generously contributed.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Class of 2009

Just a reminder that there will be a meeting of fourth grade parents in the Multi Media Room tonight at 6:30-7:30. The purpose of the meeting is to begin the process of brainstorming and planning for your child's senior activities next year. If you are unable to attend tonight, you can contact Ms. Gill @

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Musical Concert

Welcome back, Michel Gentile! He and his band will return to play a concert for us on Wednesday, seventh period.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Staff vs. Students

This Thursday, we will have our annual Fifth graders vs. Staff Kickball game. There will be hot dogs and refreshments sold at the game to help raise funds for the fifth grade graduation. Game time starts at around 9 to 9:30. This is also a half day for our students so the game will end around 11:00.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Scholastic Workshop

Following our fabulous visit by Phil Bildner, Elizabeth Parisi of Scholastic will be visiting our class to tell us about the process of chosing the artwork that will go on a book's cover. We have received copies of the new James Preller (author of the Jigsaw Jones series) book, Along Came Spider. After reading, we will design a book jacket showing what we think the cover should look like. This workshop will take place on June 11.

Internet Safety Workshop

After Parents as Enrichment Partners this Friday, there will be an interactive workshop on Internet safety for children in the MMR.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Parents as Enrichment Partners

This Friday, we will have our final Parents as Enrichment Partners. A parent will be leading a workshop about casting actors in shows! This should be awesome!!!

Final Predictive exams

We will have the last ELA Predictive Assessment on Tuesday and the last Math Predictive on Friday.

Brooklyn Queens Day

Enjoy the day off from school this Thursday June 5! School will resume on Friday, June 6.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Half Day!

Students will be dismissed at 12:00 on Monday, June 2. Please make sure your child is picked up on time if your child does not walk home by himself or herself.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Colonial ABC books

We are currently working on American Colonial Alphabet books as our final Social Studies projects. Each child has been collecting information on objects, people, events and ideas that are associated with the American colonies during the 18th century. It is recommended your child do some additional research on the internet or reading childrens books on the topics. is an excellent site for this subject.

Author's Visit

On June 4th, Phil Bildner, one of the authors of Barnstormers, will be here to speak with the 4th Grade classes.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Congratulations, again!

The class has once again won a commendation from the lunch staff for their excellent behavior. Since the "free period" from the last commendation was not used, the kids will now have two free periods. We are currently deciding on a fun activity to do during those periods.

Bake Sale

The final Bake Sale of the school year will take place on Thursday, May 22. Most treats will cost between $1.00 and $2.00.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Shakespeare Performance

It's settled! The Fourth Grade will be performing William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream on June 19th starting at 1:30 in the Multi Media room. Please help your child study his/ her lines and if anyone would like to help with costumes, props or backdrops, please see either Ms. Chiu, Ms. Milledge or Ms Theodorakis.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mothers' Day!

Happy Mothers' Day to all the important ladies( moms, grandmas and aunts) who love and take care of us!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spring Musical

The Spring Musical was great! The children performed well and sang delightfully. BRAVO! Unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts with the fifth grade performance and several classes being on school trips, the Friday performance at 1:20 is cancelled.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Visiting the Brooklyn Museum

Tomorrow is a our second and final workshop at the Brooklyn Museum. For parents who would like to join us, we will be leaving the school at 9:30am. Please wait for us by the security desk. Thank you!

Spring Musical Performance!

Just a friendly reminder that the children will be performing Thursday in the Multi Media room starting at 6:00pm. If your child is performing, please make sure he/she arrive at 5:30 for a quick final rehearsal. Your child should arrived dressed in "ragamuffin" clothes (mismatched patterns) unless otherwise specified to your child by the music teacher. It should be a great show and we hope to see you there!
P.S. Our class helped paint this backdrop for the performance. Are these kids talented, or what?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Save this Date!

We have tentatively scheduled the Shakespeare performance for Thursday, June 19 at 1:40pm.
(SEE May 1st post for more on the Shakespeare workshops)


Our students have received a certificate in recognition of their excellent behavior during recess! Be proud of their good choices and here's to everyone doing their very best.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mother's Day Plant Sale

Friday, May 9th is the Annual Plant Sale. Children will have the opportunity to purchase plants ranging from $2-$15.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Musical Theatre and Recorder performance

After many weeks of preparation and practice, our students are please to invite you to our Spring Music performance. It will take place at on Thursday, May 8th at 6:00pm in the Multimedia Room. There will be a repeat performance on Friday, May 9th at 1:20pm.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Brooklyn Museum

On Wednesday, May 7th we will be returning for our second workshop at the Brooklyn Museum. This time, the workshop will center around a tour of the Schenck House, a recreation of a colonial Dutch house. Please make sure your child has returned his/ her permission slip before the trip.

Cinco de Mayo

May 5th (Monday) is Cinco de Mayo. This holiday commemorates Mexico's victory in a battle at Puebla, where the Mexican Army was able to defeat French forces occupying the city. P.S 154 invites you to join in the celebration in our school yard. There will be Mexican food for sale and a raffle will be held for a pinata. This event will take place from 3:10 -5:30.

Parents as Enrichment Partners

Today, the class was treated to a fun activity designed to make them streetwise! We received maps of Manhattan and, using our map skills, "traveled" from on landmark to another. The children's book classic, This is New York, was used to guide us through Manhattan's sites.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A "Mid- Spring" Shakespeare Workshop

This Monday, the children began a journey into the world of William Shakespeare' s A Midsummer Night's Dream. Our guide, Ms. MaryLynn, began our workshop by introducing the children to basic acting terms and then gave students the opportunity to show off their knowledge of the play, which was read in class before and at home during the Spring break. By the end of the session, students were able to create tableaus or freeze motion scenes to interpret portions of the play. We hope to perform this play for an audience sometime in June. Check future posts for further details.