Friday, April 25, 2014

Mr Magoo's A Midsummer Night's Dream

Week 31: Math Test

The NYS Math Test will take place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Students will have 60 minutes to complete 23-25 multiple choice questions on day one and two. Day three will feature six short response questions and four extended response questions with students having 90 minutes to finish the test. The short and extended responses will require students to read complex problems that require multistep solutions.

Please make sure your child on time to school those days (as usual). In the days leading up to the test, please make sure your child is getting enough rest and coming to school after eating a nutritious breakfast.

On a separate note, some students have been able to watch the Shakespeare film using the link in the previous post while others experienced some difficulty. If you cannot access it through this blog, it is available on Youtube. Search BBC animated Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream and you should get it.
UPDATE: Due to a copyright issue, the BBC video is no longer available. Instead, please enjoy the Mr. Magoo Midsummer Night's Dream episode above this post..

We also have a new math video featuring Keith and Roshi as they discuss quadrilaterals. This video will be up by Saturday morning. Enjoy the show!

Have a happy weekend!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Week 30

Happy Spring Break!
School resumes on Wednesday, April 23. Until then, I hope you all have a happy sunny recess! There is an optional Math test packet given to your child today. Regardless of whether it is completed or not, please make sure your child brings it back to class on Wednesday. We will use it for additional review prior to the NYS Math test.

Please check out our new math video featuring Alexandra and Jessica!

Here's what to expect when we return:
  • We will begin our Shakespeare enrichment on Thursday. This year, we will focus on studying and performing A Midsummer Night's Dream. Please check out the link above this post to the BBC Animated Shakespeare series to see this story.
Have a wonderful holiday!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Week 29: Post ELA

It was a unique week! Our children worked strategically as they tackled a very challenging exam. Regardless of the results, I am proud of our students' effort and their perseverance. We now turn our efforts to getting ready for the Math test. Saturday School will only focus on reviewing math skills for the remaining sessions.

We want to thank every family for their support this week. You made sure your child came in prepared for testing and for fun by providing us ingredients for our Smashamole activity (a great break from our testing)! Abigail's grandmother also led us on an entertaining and though provoking activity about recognizing our strong character traits and how they can be used as assets.

Here's what to expect for the upcoming week:
  • We will spend a week on Poetry writing. Our goal is to produce a great poem to be published in our school anthology!
  • We will return to the Armory on Tuesday. Please have your child dress appropriately for physical activity.
  • There will be an assembly featuring the Cyclones on Friday.
  • We will begin making our student films again! Please check our blog next week for the next installment of Kid teaching.
Have a wonderful weekend!