Friday, June 20, 2014

Last Week :(

As we approach the final week of school, I'd like to thank you all for the help you've given to the class and your child. The journey through fourth grade can be challenging but working together is the best way to be a successful as possible.

Please be aware that we are bringing books and materials home. We've already brought extra supplies home and are sending home notebooks and folders. Please recycle anything you don't want to keep.

For middle school applications, keep your child's report card. Many middle schools asked to see the fourth grade report card, along with the first marking period of the fifth grade.

As we close up the classroom, please send back any library books that have been borrowed over the year.

The last day of school will be a half day. Dismissal will be at 12 noon.

Thank you and have a fantastic weekend!

Friday, June 13, 2014


So many wonderful moments in our play all featuring great acting and awesome teamwork! Congratulations on a job well done! Huzzah!
Thank you for the lovely flowers and great memories. Happy Fathers Day to all the important men in our lives.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Week 37: Shakespeare Performance!

Please look for a flyer about lice in your child's folder. We had a case brought to our attention this Friday.

There's "Much Ado" about something big happening this upcoming Friday. Our play is finally going to be performed for a live audience on Friday. We will perform three shows in the MMR. Please refer to the flyer that was sent home last week for performance times.

Here's what's happening next week:

  • Monday is a half day. Lunch will be at 11:30 and we will dismiss the class on Sherman Street at 12 noon.
  • Tuesday has a dress rehearsal for our play. Please remind your child to wear a t shirt, shorts, and secure shoes for performing on the stage.  Please avoid flip flops for this and the performance day. 
  • Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream will be performed on Friday!!! We're really excited and hope to see you there!
Have an awesome weekend!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Week 36: Science Test

We really appreciate the volunteers who came in this Friday morning to work on costumes with us. Mrs. Soans, Mrs. Hudgins, Mrs. Broika, Mrs. Wattenbarger, Mrs. Shaunessy, and Mr . Levy were instrumental in helping our children glue, paint, spell, and execute their designs for their Shakespeare characters. The costumes turned out so well and our children have not been able to take their eyes off them the whole day! Please be aware that the fabric we used is water soluble so it can be washed out if your child has it on his/ her clothing. The paints have to be heat set (placed in a dryer  or ironed) before it will be permanent.

We want to remind you that the play will be on June 13th. There was a invitation that went home on Thursday. In the past we have done this play in the MMr where we have a fully packed room. This year, we are anticipating an even larger crowd so we've added on a third performance. We anticipate many people will attend the early morning performance so we encourage anyone with a flexible schedule to try to attend the later performances. Class parents have sent out emails just to survey who might attend at which time so that we can prepare for this. We will make a DVD of the performance for each child to keep.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We will have the Written Science test on Monday. This test will include multiple choice  and short answers based on the science work they had been doing in Ms. Gamboi's class. 
  • There will be a half day on Tuesday. Dismissal will be at 12 noon. 
  • School will be closed on Brooklyn Queens day this Thursday. Students will not attend. 
Have a marvelous weekend!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Week 35: More Shakespeare!

We are about two weeks away from the dress rehearsal and performance of our play on June 13! Students had been studying their lines and coming off book. The next goal is to slow down and act out the meaning of the words. Please encourage your child to rehearse daily.

We want to thank Mr. Weeks (Sasha S's dad) for coming in to share his expertise on acting! It gave our students a new perspective on what the acting process is like.

Here's what is happening next week:

  • The Science Performance Test will continue next week up to Friday. 
  • We have Shakespeare rehearsals on Tuesday and Thursday. Please remind your child to bring in their script (even if they have their lines memorized).
  • We will work with Katy Dement, The Paper Lady who is coming to help our students make set decoration for our play on Thursday and Friday. This can be messy work so please have your child dress accordingly. 
  • On Friday, we will work on decorating our costumes. Large t-shirts have been purchased for each child and sewn into garments that resemble the tunics of Ancient Athens. We are planning to decorate with fabric markers, paint, and appliqués at 8:50- 9:55. There are four parent volunteers and if you can come in to help, it would be great! 
Have a wonderful, long Memorial Day weekend!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Week 34: Science Performance Test

We had a great time releasing the trout upstate thanks to the lovely weather and the support of the parent chaperones. We'd like to thank Mr. Margolis, Mr. Wattenbarger, Mrs. Hudgins, Mrs. Fitzroy, and Mrs. Dekel for taking the long ride up with us.

A letter went out regarding the Shakespeare performance and how parents can help with the the production. If you have not seen it, please ask your child for it. We are requesting $10 per child to cover the cost of costumes, props and dvds. Your child will get to keep their costume after the production and will receive a dvd of the performance. The tentative performance times are listed on the letter also. My thanks to the parents who have already responded and sent in the fee. Extra thanks to families who generously sent extra money to help other children!

Here's what to expect next week:

  • We have music rehearsal on Monday. A letter went home on Thursday regarding the music performance at PS 10. 
  • The Science Performance tests will start next week on Wednesday. Ms. Gamboi will provide us with a schedule as to when each child will be tested.
  • Sasha S's dad will come in on Friday morning to share his Shakespeare expertise. We look forward to hearing about his experiences as a Shakespearean actor!

Please check back this weekend for our new math short film featuring Jaya and Emily!
Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Week 33: Happy Mother's Day!

We have a busy week ahead for us:

  • Jacqueline Woodson will be in on Monday.
  • We will have Shakespeare workshops on Tuesday and Thursday. Because of a conflict with the scheduling, we will not attend the Armory as previously planned.
  • We will be headed upstate to release trout on Wednesday. The chaperones for the trip are: Mr. Wattenbarger, Mr. Margolis, Mrs. Hudgins, Mrs. Dekel and Mrs. Fitzroy. Thank you to all our volunteers!
  • On Friday we will have our post ELA and Math test celebration. Please make sure your child is dressed for an afternoon at the park. 
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful ladies in our lives!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Week 32: Pre-Fifth Grade Prep

Two tests down, one more to go! The Math test was given this week and the class demonstrated that they had learned a lot of strategies to help them solve the questions on the more concept driven assessments New York state will now be giving. Overall, our students did fine on the test. As we move forward, we will use these assessments as they were intended for: to help us better address the needs of our students. For the remainder of the year, we will introduce new topics and sharpen our calculation skills. Our goal is to be well prepared for the fifth grade!

We will be very busy in the upcoming weeks:
  •  We will meet with our Buddies to prepare for the Earth Day Parade coming on Friday!
  • Our Shakespeare workshops will now take place every Tuesdays and Thursdays. The culminating performance is scheduled for June 13th so please save the date! 
  • We are participating in the STEMs Job Fair on Wednesday. Our students will meet professionals from the science, technology, engineering, and math fields to learn about how to prepare for a job in those fields.
  • Family Friday will be a continuation of the work we started on Monday with our Buddies for Earth Day. 
  • We will also visit the Mothers Day Plant Sale at 11:10. Please provide your child with money ($3-$15 is the usual price range) if you would like him or her to pick up a plant for mom!
  • Friday is also when we have our Earth Day parade. Students will march around the block. This is usually a crowded event and it leads right into dismissal. If you are picking up your child, please make sure I know you have your child before you leave. Thanks!
Have a great sunny weekend!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Mr Magoo's A Midsummer Night's Dream

Week 31: Math Test

The NYS Math Test will take place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Students will have 60 minutes to complete 23-25 multiple choice questions on day one and two. Day three will feature six short response questions and four extended response questions with students having 90 minutes to finish the test. The short and extended responses will require students to read complex problems that require multistep solutions.

Please make sure your child on time to school those days (as usual). In the days leading up to the test, please make sure your child is getting enough rest and coming to school after eating a nutritious breakfast.

On a separate note, some students have been able to watch the Shakespeare film using the link in the previous post while others experienced some difficulty. If you cannot access it through this blog, it is available on Youtube. Search BBC animated Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream and you should get it.
UPDATE: Due to a copyright issue, the BBC video is no longer available. Instead, please enjoy the Mr. Magoo Midsummer Night's Dream episode above this post..

We also have a new math video featuring Keith and Roshi as they discuss quadrilaterals. This video will be up by Saturday morning. Enjoy the show!

Have a happy weekend!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Week 30

Happy Spring Break!
School resumes on Wednesday, April 23. Until then, I hope you all have a happy sunny recess! There is an optional Math test packet given to your child today. Regardless of whether it is completed or not, please make sure your child brings it back to class on Wednesday. We will use it for additional review prior to the NYS Math test.

Please check out our new math video featuring Alexandra and Jessica!

Here's what to expect when we return:
  • We will begin our Shakespeare enrichment on Thursday. This year, we will focus on studying and performing A Midsummer Night's Dream. Please check out the link above this post to the BBC Animated Shakespeare series to see this story.
Have a wonderful holiday!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Week 29: Post ELA

It was a unique week! Our children worked strategically as they tackled a very challenging exam. Regardless of the results, I am proud of our students' effort and their perseverance. We now turn our efforts to getting ready for the Math test. Saturday School will only focus on reviewing math skills for the remaining sessions.

We want to thank every family for their support this week. You made sure your child came in prepared for testing and for fun by providing us ingredients for our Smashamole activity (a great break from our testing)! Abigail's grandmother also led us on an entertaining and though provoking activity about recognizing our strong character traits and how they can be used as assets.

Here's what to expect for the upcoming week:
  • We will spend a week on Poetry writing. Our goal is to produce a great poem to be published in our school anthology!
  • We will return to the Armory on Tuesday. Please have your child dress appropriately for physical activity.
  • There will be an assembly featuring the Cyclones on Friday.
  • We will begin making our student films again! Please check our blog next week for the next installment of Kid teaching.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Week 28: New York State ELA

It's here! We've worked very hard all year and now's the time to show it! The ELA test will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.  Each session will last 70 minutes. Tuesday will feature passages with multiple choice questions to answer. Wednesday will feature a few multiple choices, a few short responses, and one extended response. Thursday will feature more short response questions and one extended response.

This test will require careful reading and stamina. To help your child, please make sure: 
  • Your child goes to bed at a consistent time and gets enough rest.
  • Your child eats a nutritious breakfast. 
  • Your child dresses in comfortable clothing. Pajamas are allowed if it is not too much of a distraction. 
There will be no homework given on Monday, Tuesday,  and Wednesday but children should spend sometime reading their just right books.

On another note, we will be making guacamole on Wednesday as a fun reading activity. Please send your child in with a ripe avocado on Wednesday.

We are also running low on tissue. Please consider donating a box or two if you can. Thank you!

Have a great restful weekend!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Week 27: Springtime!

We had a productive and engaging visit from The New York Historical Society. Our educator, Leah, was able to show us many artifacts from the Revolutionary Era of our country's history. Students were able to learn about the main causes of the American Revolution and what life was like for a colonial soldier.

Gun powder was stored in the hollowed  horn.

Musket ball

As we wind down our test preparations for the ELA which will take place the week following, here are some thoughts to help you prepare:

  • Get into a stable sleep routine. With the weather improving and more activities starting up, please make sure your child is well rested for school.
  • Be realistic with expectations. Help your child be mentally prepared for this by not placing undue stress on scoring a certain number. Your child should understand that you want them to do their very best and regardless of the results, you will still be proud of them. The test is only one aspect of their school life and middle schools look at so much more than just the fourth grade test scores.
  • Read with your child. They are not too old for read alouds! By reading with an adult, children will benefit from your modeling of good reading and it helps create a positive feeling about reading, especially at a time when reading can be challenging. 
Fires were started with flintstones.

Soldiers listened to fife music for signals.

Here's what to expect for next week:
  • There will be a test practice administered under test conditions so that your child can practice using the 70 minutes allotted for the test productively on Monday. 
  • We will visit the Brooklyn Museum on Thursday. This is a free trip and we will be back before lunch time. We will visit exhibits that pertain to colonial New York. 
Have a wonderful, warm weekend!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Week 26: Final Semester begins

It was great seeing everyone again for our Parent Teacher Conferences! The children came back with renewed purpose, ready to finish the final months with their best efforts. This will be crucial as we have two more weeks before the NYS ELA Assessment is administered.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We are meeting with our Buddies on Monday for a quick St. Patrick's Day activity.
  • We are also participating in Pacers with Ms. Ussery on Monday. Please have your child dressed for physical activity.
  • I will be out on Wednesday for a Go Math workshop. There will be a substitute teacher with review work for the class.
  • The New York Historical Society Educator will be visiting our classroom for an outreach session about New York's role in The American Revolution. This will take place on Thursday at 10:15. 
Have a sunny weekend!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 25: Parent Teacher Conferences

Report cards will be given out on Monday. Please look through them  and bring them to your conference. We will discuss what we will do moving forward to help your child continue his or her progress. 

We want to thank Mrs. Hudgins for leading our planting activity this Family Friday and the many parents who came to help. 

Here's what is happening next week:
  • Report cards will be distributed on Monday.
  • Due to Parent Teacher Conferences, there will be a half day. Students will be dismissed at 12 noon. If you are late to pick up, please pick up your child in the MMR. 
If you have not turned in $4 dollar for the NY Historical Society Outreach program, please do so soon. Thank you!
Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Week 24: March Madness

Welcome back! The class came back from recess and picked up right where they left off without a hitch! Many students worked on the Winter Recess packet and we are incorporating it into our test prep work in class. If your child is also attending Saturday School, please remember that it resumes tomorrow and it is an opportunity for students to practice the test prep strategies we worked on in class.

In the last blog post, I announced that test folders would be returned to your child this week. Due to the fact that report cards are being written now, I will need to hang on to them a little longer to help me assess your child's progress. I will send them to you when report cards are done. Thank you for your patience!

Here's what is happening next week:
  • We are going to the Armory on Tuesday. Please make sure your child is dressed for gym. 
  • Mrs. Hudgins will help us plant seeds for the school garden during Family Friday
Please expect report cards next Monday. Parent Teacher Conferences are next Tuesday and an appointment form will go home with your child on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 23: Return from MidWinter Break

We have a packed agenda when we return from the recess. Parent Teacher Conferences will take place two weeks later and three weeks after that, we will have the NYS ELA test starting on April 1st (not an April Fools Day prank), 2nd, and 3rd. With that in mind, while the recess homework your child received on Monday is optional, please encourage child to  that your to try some of it, if not all of it.

Students are required to keep up their independent reading over the break. They are logging their time on the Read-athon sheet and the front cover of the homework packet. Please make sure your child keeps up these habits. The Read-athon sheet should be totaled and returned on Monday. Congratulations to our very own Roshi, who had the winning entry for the fourth grade in the book mark contest!

When we return from the break:
  • We will begin test preparations in class. This is during the school day and will focus on strategies that will help your child be a better test taker. This will not take the place of our reading work in Fantasy book clubs or our writing of our Informational text. 
  • The unit six math test has been graded and will be returned to your child on Monday. 

Please visit this blog again after Friday. We will have a new video featuring Abi and Calista as they explain how to add fractions with common denominators. 
Have a fantastic recess. Safe travels to all!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Week 22: Readathon

We are done with week one of our Readathon! You may have noticed that our students have been logging their reading on two sheets. Our goal is to be the fourth grade class that reads the most minutes. Please help us by reminding us to log our reading time this weekend. The Readathon ends on the Friday during the Mid Winter Recess. After that students should bring in their sheets so that we can do a final tally of our reading time. Go 4-303!

There's  another video, this time featuring Matthew and Zach. They are explaining how to play Fraction Action, a math game that each student should have in his/ her homework folder. Have fun!

Saturday School starts this week. Please have your child arrive to the MMR by 9 am. Your child should have a snack for the middle of the morning. Mrs. Treinen will be teaching the sessions.

There will be a homework packet given out for Mid Winter Recess. It is optional and designed to give families an idea about what to expect for the upcoming state tests. Please take a moment to look over it before you decide whether your child will work on it or not.

Here's what else is happening next week:

  • We will go to the Armory on Tuesday. Please remind your child to wear comfortable clothing. 
  • I will be out on Tuesday for a Teacher's College workshop on Test Preparation.
  • We will meet with our buddies on Friday. It is also Valentine's Day but I'll provide the treats :)
Finally, we want to thank Mr. Singer, Gideon's grandfather for the wonderful presentation he made on Slavery in early Brooklyn. We learned so much from his expert teachings and we were treated to a performance by his rapper alter ego, Reese's Pieces. 

Have a sunny weekend!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Week 21: Students Become the Teacher

Check out our new Videos Section on the left hand side of this blog underneath the calendar. Over the year, students will make videos presenting a skill they learned in class. This can be a great resource for your child to review and the kids are super excited to participate.  First up is Leigh, who explains how to simplify fractions. Keep an eye out for new videos to come!

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • After two weeks of learning the archetypes of the Fantasy genre, we will begin fantasy book clubs on Monday. 
  • We will have the Unit 6 math test on Equivalent Fractions on Tuesday. Our next unit will continue our fraction work with a focus on adding and subtracting fractions
  • We are going to The Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum on Thursday. We will be back at school by lunchtime.
  • Family Friday will feature a presentation on Slavery in New York by Gideon's grandfather.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Week 20

Students have their test folders containing their unit 5 Math test and the lessons 2 and 3 spelling tests. Please take some time to look over the tests and review it. Your child should return the tests and folder by the end of next week.

Here's what to expect next week: 
  • We are meeting with our Buddy Class Monday afternoon. Our fourth graders do an excellent job of helping our second grade buddies!
  • We will go to the Armory on Tuesday. Please have your child dress for physical activity. 
  • Music will be back to our regular schedule on Wednesday. 
  • Ms Ussery will see our children for a Fitnessgram on Friday. Please have your child dress comfortably for physical activity. 
Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Week 19

This month is just flying by! This upcoming week will feature many new units of study. We are just started Fractions this week in math. The Unit 5 math test will be returned to your child early next week. Unit 5 was a very short unit and most of the work with factors and multiples will be repeated as we work on equivalent fractions in this upcoming unit.
Next week, we are starting Fantasy Book Clubs in reading and Comparative Literary Essays in Writing. Our Social Studies unit on Native Americans will culminate with the children writing an All About Book using research they have done on the Iroquois.

Here's what else that will happen next week:
  • Schools are closed for Martin Luther King Day on Monday.
  • We will go to the Armory on Tuesday. Please have your child wear sneakers.
  • I will be out on Wednesday at a Math Workshop. There will be a substitute teacher who will go over reviews of the work with factors and multiples will be repeated as we work on equivalent fractions in this upcoming unit. 

Have  a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 18: Happy New Year!

Our first full week of 2014 ended with a great activity led by Mrs. Soans. Students were challenged to use their emotional intelligence to interpret some social interactions. This activity helped our students understand the different feelings people have and how these feelings might lead a person to act. In addition to being an important life lesson, this activity was fun!

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We are wrapping up our work with Historical Fiction Book clubs on Friday. Please look through your house to see if there are any books that need to be returned soon and have your child bring them to class. 
  • There will be a math test for Unit 5 on Tuesday! It was a brief unit and the work on factors and multiples will help launch our next unit on Equivalent Fractions and Fraction Comparison. There will be a study sheet given out on Monday. 
The Unit 4 test was given shortly before Winter Break and your child has the test for you to look over. There will be more classwork with the division topic as some children are only beginning to secure the process in their minds. While many students have the multiplication facts down, most children would benefit from reviewing division facts. Please use the Division Game link on our blog to get in some practice; set the highest number to 12 so that your child can practice division facts mentally.

Have a wonderful weekend!