Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 32

Now that the English and Math tests are over, we'll return to our normal routines. Test prep books will be sent home next week. Due to it's massive size, not all of it is complete. The books can be used during the summer to provide review for your child, or recycled. Our focus for this final marking period is to keep learning in preparation for the eventual move to the fifth grade.

We still have NYS Science exam later in the year. Mrs. David is sending home test packets for practice. This test is a part of your child's testing history but will not be counted towards promotional criteria. Science Fair project proposals were also given out this week. They are due to Mrs. David on May 6th.

We've got an exciting Shakespeare project in the works and families are invited to see the culminating show on June 13th, 9:25 am. Mark the date on your calendar!

There is a Barnes and Noble Book Fair that we have submitted a wish list for. The wish list contains books we would like to have in the classroom to support our Shakespeare work. Please consider donating one of these books to the class. Your child has a flier for the event at the Seventh Avenue Park Slope Barnes &Noble. If you would like to purchase online,  go to and enter Bookfair ID 11079340 at checkout. Thank you!

Here's what to expect next week:
  • Your child will need a 9X14 piece of cardboard for our salt dough project this Monday. 
  • We are going to work with the Katy, the Paper Lady, on Tuesday. She will teach us how to make paper. In preparation for this hands on activity, please send your child with a smock to protect his/her clothing. An oversized T-shirt will also serve this purpose.
  • I will be at a Teacher's College workshop on Wednesday and there will be a substitute teacher for the class.
  • We are headed to the Brooklyn Museum on Thursday. If you have not already done so, please send in the permission slip and the admission of $3. 
  • Family Friday will focus on Earth Day. We are making a recycled craft (details forthcoming) with our Buddies in Ms. Witkowski and Ms. Sheehan's class. 
Finally, apologies for the mistake in last week's post. There was no Armory date on Tuesday. Our next Armory visit will be on May 7th.

Have a wonderful, test prep free weekend!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Week 31

Whew! The ELA test is over and we are ready to focus on the Math test!
The Math test will take place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We have been reviewing the concepts and math skills taught earlier in the year in preparation for this. To help your child with a low stress review, you can check the games on our blog in the Sheppard Math Link or the IXL games. Games that require multiplication and division will be most helpful.
Here's what's happening next week:

  • We will start our Shakespeare Theater Arts program on Monday. The fourth grade will study the play Twelfth Night. There will be a performance for families on June 13 at 9:30 am.
  • We are headed to the Armory on Tuesday.
  • The NYS Math test will take place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Have a restful weekend!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 30

The NY State English Language Arts exam will take place next week. We've worked very hard to best prepare for this important exam. Our students have practiced the strategies as best as they can and have shown that they can do well. 
Please keep in mind the following as we enter the home stretch:
  • Help your child be well rested. Keep up your normal routines, especially bedtimes.
  • Be on time for school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. If there have been instances of lateness in the past, please plan ahead and come to school a little earlier than usual. 
  • Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast. Avoid overly sugary foods.
  • Encourage your child to do their best instead of encouraging he or she to score a specific grade. The test is only a part of the promotional criteria.

Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 29

Welcome back!
We are entering the final week before the Statewide ELA test. We are working on making our reading, writing and math habits the strongest they can so that we do our very best on this assessment and the math test during the following week. Many students have brought back a completed packet (WOW!) from the Spring Recess. We have reviewed the ELA portion of the packet and many of the students did well, with most students getting 30+ questions correct out of the 42 multiple choice questions given.

The writing part will be collected and treated as this week's reading response. We will go over the math portion on Monday.

There seems to be a horrible strand of flu going around. With the pressure of the upcoming test, please keep in mind that it will not be worth it in the long run to send a sick child to school. It is important that we be well rested in order to do our very best. During this upcoming week, try to stick to bedtime schedules so that your child can get enough rest. Good physical activity will also help your child de-stress.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • We are headed to the Armory on Tuesday. Please have your child wear clothing suitable for physical activity.
  • We will drop by the Community Garden on Thursday to plant our vegetables. Please had your child be dressed for working outside. 
  • A trip form went home for an excursion to the Brooklyn Museum. Please sign and send in the admission fee as soon as you can. 
Finally, our thanks to the parents who came by during Family Friday. We demonstrated how a fitness break is incorporated into our school day and we were especially happy that our audience participated in the exercises with us. Great job, everyone!

Have a lovely spring weekend!