Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 28

On Thursday, each child received a rather sizable packet of test prep materials. As stated on the cover, it has to brought back on Friday, April 5. With many families already committed to travel and engagements, it is understood that some children will not be able to complete the whole packet. The class has already begun some work on it as of Thursday. The plan is to review it the week after we return from vacation so that we can give feedback to students before the actual ELA and Math test. If your child is struggling with a particular question, please remind him/ her to make a "best guess" and then mark the question with a star so that we can be sure to focus on it during review.

We also want to thank the moms who came with us to Wyckoff Farmhouse. It was a fabulous interactive experience which left our students wanting more!

Have a safe and happy Spring Recess! School resumes Wednesday, April 3.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 27

My thanks to everyone who came to Parent Teacher Conferences on a rainy Tuesday. Your comments and support are appreciated and it was great to chat.

Test prep was a frequent topic of conversation. Our class has begun looking at some practical test taking strategies and this Friday, we took a mock test for day one of the ELA. Our students got the opportunity to work under test conditions on a timed task. They worked very carefully and were excellent patient test takers!

Here's what to expect next week:

  • We will take a trip to Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum on Thursday. We expect to be back by lunchtime. 
  • We will have our Unit 7 Math test on Friday. This test will focus on fractions. The Unit 6 test was graded and many parents saw the results during PTC. Children will bring that test home along with the Unit 7 test after Spring Break. 
Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 26

It's already time for the second round of report cards! Please be aware that the third marking period has begun and we are heading towards a busy time in our year. Test preparation has begun in the classroom  and with it, some anxieties might arise. In class, we have discussed how the work we've down throughout the year is helping prepare us to do our best on these assessments. It is also important to keep reminding ourselves that the test is not the only criteria for success and that students can do well in class, too. It is important for students to remember that what they do everyday can help them be successful.
ADDENDUM: The third optional test packet is available this week. I placed a copy of it on the desks of students who's family families requested it on Friday afternoon. Your child should bring it to you if they attend Saturday school tomorrow.

Scholastic Book orders were collected today. If you would like to order you still can if you go to the Scholastic website You can access it with this blog's Guided Reading link or go to Our class's online code is HHRTL.

Here's what's happening next week:

  • Report cards will be given out on Monday.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Tuesday. Afternoon conferences will be from 1:00- 3:00. Evening conferences will start at 5:30 and end by 8:00. Check your child's homework folder for your appointment time. 
  • Tuesday will be a half day due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12. Any child not picked up by then will be brought to the Multi Media Room. 
  • Ms. Ussery will have the class participate in PACERS on Wednesday. Please make sure your child is dressed for physical activity.
Have a safe and warm weekend!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 25

Congratulations to our class for having the most minutes read in the fourth grade for our school Readathon!!! Students who turned in their logs received a certificate for participating. Our thanks to the parents that helped keep track of all the minutes we read.

We were also fortunate to have a Family Friday with lots of parents coming in to plant! Our children loved working with the seeds and are anticipating the first sprouts. Fingers crossed for a successful germination! Thank you's to our great family volunteers!

There will be Saturday Test prep tomorrow. Please send your child with a snack. Class begins at 9am and dismissal is at 12 noon.

Here's what to expect for next week:
  • There will be a change in the weekly reading response. There will be a test prep extended response given out in its place. Students are still responsible for reading an independent text to keep up their stamina and fantasy work. For the assignment, students will work on reading two texts and writing a response using information from both text.
  • There will be a Spelling test on Monday and the Unit 6 Math test on Tuesday.
  • Armory visits resume on Tuesday!
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will take place Tuesday, March 12. Your child has received a PTC appointment request sheet this last Tuesday. Please return it soon so we can set up a time that is most convenient for you.
Have a wonderful weekend!