Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 24

The second optional test prep packet went home today to families who returned the request slip. With Saturday school starting this week, this packet could be used as extra support for learning main idea and vocabulary skills if needed.

Here's what to expect next week:

  • Due to many absences this week, we will launch Fantasy Book Clubs next week. The goals remain the same as the ones outlined on the previous post. The class is really enjoying this unit and they had so many observant things to say after "reading" Nanny McPhee. They were able to discuss themes and symbols found in the movie. 
  • Ms. Ussery will have our class complete a second round of PACERs. These are a series of physical activities to test your child's fitness. Our class will have this on Wednesday so please dress your child for physical activity. 
  • We have a Family Friday session this upcoming week. As of now there are no presenters. Please let me know if you are interested in presenting to our class.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 23

We have a new student in our class! Our children have been very welcoming and have gone the extra mile to help her adjust to our class.

We have begun talking about how the skills we learn in our everyday lessons transfer to test taking. One of the major points to emphasize is reading directions, understanding them and then following them. Please help reinforce this with your child in everyday situations.

Here's what to expect for next week:

  • Due to the disruption of Hurricane Sandy, Mid Winters Recess is now Mid Winters Weekend. Schools will be closed on Monday and Tuesday. Students are expected to keep up their reading and have received next weeks reading response sheet. Please keep in mind that next week is the last week of the Readathon, so keep logging in those times!
  • We will begin Fantasy Book Clubs next week. Book clubs are a great way for kids to become a community of readers as they meet to discuss and common text. Through discussion, they share ideas and expand on thoughts they have about the themes and important moments in their stories.  We will also focus on setting common goals for our reading and learning how to listen when working in a group.
  • In Math, we have worked on both the traditional method of division and the partial quotients method found in Everyday Math. Once again, students shave been advised to pick a strategy that works for them whenever they encounter these division problems. 
Have a wonderful long weekend!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Week 22

Saturday Test Prep has been cancelled due to the snow storm. The next session is on Feb. 23rd.

The unit 5 math test has been returned to your child. Please look over the test and review anything that may be an issue with your child. We will continue to work on the elapsed time questions, which seemed to give many kids problems. 

Due to the bus strike, many class trips have been cancelled throughout the city. We are still on for Wyckoff Farm house but that nay change if the strike isn't resolved. 

Here's what to expect for next week:
  • We are beginning our writing unit on Literary Essays. By now, students have experience with the essay format. The new challenge is to write effectively about a story they have read. This will go beyond retelling. The essay will focus on themes and interpretation of stories as well as telling how the themes of the story connect to our world.
  • It's week two of the Readathon! Students have been told daily how many minutes to log in for school reading. Please remind your child to log in the time spent reading at home. 
  • I will be at a Teachers College Workshop on Tuesday. There will be a substitute teacher for Tuesday.
Have a cozy weekend! Happy Lunar New Year!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 21

We had a great Family Friday! Helena's dad came in to talk to us about a career in publishing! We discovered that the work we did in Writing Workshop could be a career :) Thank you to Mr. Tipper and all the parents who attended this session!

Each child received an optional packet of test prep materials this Friday. There was also a letter explaining the purpose. Please take a moment to review the packet, then sign and return the tear off.

Here's what's coming up next week:
  • In reading, we will begin our unit on Fantasy. This exciting unit will focus on the archetypes of the genres and through reading fantasy, our  children will explore themes and messages these stories present. We have begun a read aloud of the historical fantasy novel George Washington's Socks by Elvira Woodruff. This novel contains many elements of the genre: a flawed hero, sidekicks, magic and a quest. 
  • In Math, we will shift our focus from Multiplication to Division. Students will learn two strategies for long division. Please continue to work with your child in mastering the multiplication/ division facts. 
  • The Unit 5 math test will be return midweek. We are waiting for some absentees to take the test. Thanks for your patience!
  • We are still waiting for a decision on our scheduled trip to the Armory. Due to the bus strike, we might walk over to the armory weather permits on Tuesday. 
There is a new video starring Lucas and Ryan. Please check it out!!!

ADDENDUM: Our annual Read-a-thon will start this week! This yearly fundraiser is a great way to help our school keep up its many enrichments. Please check your child's folder for the sponsor sheet.

Have a wonderful weekend!