Students received an optional for homework this vacation. It can be turned in on Wednesday or used for extra review at any time. The intention of the assignment is to help students secure some basic knowledge needed for upcoming units.
Here's what to expect when we return:
- We will wrap up our work on the Native American unit with our final project. The plan is to research daily life through examining the longhouse. We are also planning to build a model of the long house. There are some materials we will need listed in a handout given to your child today. We appreciate any help we can get with these supplies.
- Our Realistic Fiction is on display outside our classroom. Our new writing unit will be a Research Based Essay that puts forth an argument. Studenst will read several texts on an issue and take a stance. We will review the five paragraph essay format. The challenge in this essay unit is to use transition phrases and specific relevant facts from our research to present the strongest argument for our position.