Sunday, February 28, 2010

Unit 6 Math test

The Unit Six Math Test will take place on Tuesday. The main topic on this test will be division. The class will recieve a study sheet to help review on Monday.

March Units of Study

We will continue working on Nonfiction units in Literacy: Social Studies Content in Reading; Feature Articles for our Writing.
In Reading, we will return to some tried and true skills for reading Nonfiction including determining important ideas/facts, summarizing and putting together those facts to make larger ideas that may connect to other subjects. We will also focus on vocabulary strategies that help us read texts that are challenging to us. Nonfiction is the genre where we read to learn and we will use this as an opportunity to learn more in Social Studies.
In Writing, our work will center on Journalism, particularly Feature Articles. These are similar to the pieces in magazines. Students will research a highly focused topic such as colonial medicine and write an article with the intention of teaching a reader about the topic.

We will begin work on measuring the Area, Volume and Capacity of shapes and developing mathematical formulas for the Areas of Regular Polygons. We will also look at Fractions and its relation to the topic of Probability.

Social Studies
We will continue our work our work on the New York as an English Colony and begin to examine our state’s role in the American Revolution by the end of this month.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Saturday Test Prep

Saturday Test Prep will begin this week, on the 27th at 9 am. Your child has received a reminder regarding the days for Saturday program. The note also asks that you send your child with a light snack each Saturday. Ms, Pattison, the computer teacher will be instructing the group.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I will be at a Teachers College Workshop tomorrow. The children are aware of my absence and have been instructed on what to expect tomorrow, especially with the excursion to the Armory. Have a great day!

The Answer is

The Answer to the math question from two weeks ago is $141.25! If each student pays the admission, then 25 times $5.65 equals $141.25. Good job to the children who picked the first choice!

Friday, February 12, 2010


The third annual PS 154 Readathon is set to start when we return in Monday. Please look over the sponsor sheet/ time log your child has in his/her homework binder. The class has been instructed to keep the sheet in their binder since they are also to log in their reading time from class.
Thanks for your support!

Mid-Winter Break

A homework packet was given for the Winter Break. Please use this as an opportunity for review and to prepare for upcoming units of study. While it is practical to do some academic work during this break, please enjoy the days and all the special events that are coming. If for any reason your child is unable to complete any part of the three main assignments, just send a note to let me know. The optional math review pages are intended for anyone who would like extra practice with math topics we haven't touched on in class recently.
Have a great recess!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

And the answer is...

If there was a bill of $135 split between four of your friends and you, the bill would come out to $27.00 each person. Congratulations to all the children who voted!

Snow Day Feb. 10th!

Due to the potentially large snowfall expected tomorrow, the Chancellor has decided to close schools this Wednesday. Your child has a letter explaining the procedure for tomorrow and for any other days when there is a possible school closing. Please make sure you look at it tonight! Be safe and keep warm!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February Parents as Enrichment Partners

We do not have a presenter for tomorrow's PAEP so we will most likely work in Writing clubs during the session. The children will share parts of their fantasy story with writing partners in the hopes of getting feedback that helps their writing. Please feel free to drop by!

Long Division

Please check out the Math Games link. There is a game to practice the traditional long division algorithm. Click on Division on the left side of the screen and then on Snork's Long Division game in the right hand list.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Parents as Enrichment Partners

If you are interested in presenting a workshop for this months (or any up coming months) Parents as Enrichment Partners, please let me know by sending a note in with your child. Thank You!

Poll Answer

The answer to 13.75 minus 8.9 is 4.85. We had 100% of our voters get that right! Great job!

Monday, February 1, 2010

February Units of Study

In Reader’s Workshop, we have worked on reading Fantasy with attention to the writer’s craft and story elements such as heroic characters, quest, symbolism and fantasy as a metaphor/ allegory for real life. We will continue this unit through the first week of February before moving onto Reading for Research. In this unit, students will practice simple research skills while reading nonfiction texts.

In Writer’s Workshop, we will publish our own short Fantasy pieces by the second week of the month. Afterwards, we will move on to Feature Articles. Students will be asked to write a short article about a topic we are studying in Social Studies.

In Math, we have begun to look at long division using the Partial Quotients algorithm. In addition to that, we will start the unit on fractions, probability, coordinate geometry, area and perimeter.

In Social Studies, we've concluded our unit on the Dutch of New Amsterdam and will now focus on the English takeover of New York. We will examine the influences of the British as well as the reasons we went to war to become an independent country.